Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,186

sheepishly while trailing his fingers down the chain before picking up the pendant. He rested his hand on my chest. "It looks beautiful on you," he whispered before dropping it and pulling away.

"One hour," Cyler interrupted. "I want you back in one hour, Jacob. No excuses. If anyone so much as breathes in her direction, you come back to the lab."


"Don't tell me to relax when just days ago she was being tortured. I'm letting you do this because I agree that she needs it, but that doesn't mean I won't be worrying until you return."

I looked to Jacob who wore an easygoing mask. It was strange seeing him so nonchalant when just days ago he was willing to burn down Ethros to save me. "See you later, Cyler. I'll keep her safe." He guided me outside, and as we walked past Cy, he brushed his hand over my arm, causing me to shiver at his touch.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we exited the security clearance where one of the Ethros guards slept. Outside, the sky was pitch black, the street only illuminated by the moon and dim streetlights.

"I'm taking you on a date, Ash," Jacob said while letting go of my fingers and holding out his arm for me to take. I couldn't help it—I giggled.

"A date?" I asked while wrapping around him. The wind picked up, blowing salty air around us.

"Yeah, you know. Those things couples go on. Usually to someplace romantic. Also involves awkward conversation and food you both are too nervous to eat," Jacob said with a laugh as we walked. It was late, and only a few soldiers patrolled the streets. I braced myself for their cruel stares, but none seemed to notice me. It was almost as if, when Cavil left, he took the extreme views of Ethros with him.

"Why?" I asked.

"We kind of skipped this part. We haven't had time to date or ease into this. I..." Jacob trailed off while scratching the back of his neck with his free hand. "I felt bad about how our first kiss played out. I wanted to impress you. Take you someplace special and treat you like a princess, then kiss you goodnight like a goddamn gentleman. I was feeling desperate. After not seeing you for a couple days, then thinking the worst, I just couldn't hold back."

I smiled to myself. Neither could Maverick.

"Jacob, I don't regret anything that happened in the lab. I'm excited for our date, but more so, I'm just happy to be out of the unknown. It feels good to know the feelings are mutual."

“Of course they’re mutual!” Jacob exclaimed. “I just wanted to remind you that I’m not always the overprotective asshole you saw when we first got here. I’m the handsome, flirty one in the group. If we have any hope of wooing you, it’s coming from me,” he said with a chuckle, and I giggled in response.

We continued to walk until the road dipped and it was sand beneath our shoes instead of brick. I removed the black sandals Kemper got me and walked towards the shore line. It was dark, but the moon reflected in the water, and the sounds of the waves relaxed me.

"I was thinking today that you've probably never seen the ocean before this. Figured it would be a shame to be on an island and not enjoy the beach," Jacob explained while sitting down in the sand and pulling me on his lap.

"Thank you, Jacob."

We sat there for a moment just enjoying each other's company. The sound of the ocean relaxed us while we ate the dinner Kemper prepared. Despite Jacob's description of dates, there was no awkwardness. Kemper packed a small lantern, and we watched each other, the soft light dancing across our pleased expressions. The silence between us wasn't full of tension. We were completely comfortable.

Once done eating, Jacob cleaned up our food and stood. In one swift movement, he pulled his shirt over his shoulders and unbuttoned his pants. My mouth gaped open as he shoved them over his long legs until they were in a pile at his feet. I swallowed. Jacob looked completely confident in the soft light of the lantern. I traced each dip and groove of his muscles with my gaze. He brushed his hand over his abs, and I couldn't help but lick my lips and wish he would lose his underwear, too.

"Want to go for a swim?" he asked in a husky voice, Copyright 2016 - 2024