Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,168

you and let it hurt me. We’re alike in that sense, I guess. Just, now you have someone to share the burdens with.”

“You love me?” he asked in disbelief.

I didn’t realize how much Patrick felt undeserving of love until now. I kissed him in response, pouring all my affections into the pressure of my kiss before pulling away.

“I love you, Patrick.”

We lay down while cuddling, and soon his light snores could be heard throughout the room as the sun set. Everything was such a mess. When I first moved to Dormas, I thought I needed this new family. But now that I’ve pulled back the many layers of their group, I see the truth.

They need me, too.

Chapter Eight

Patrick slipped out before sunrise to avoid the stares and questions, but before he left, he kissed my forehead tenderly, silently thanking me for being a source of comfort in all the chaos.

I paged Dominique, asking for new clothes, and within moments, she stormed into my room. "Well if it isn’t the stupidest Walker on the planet," she hissed while yanking a new Walker uniform from her bag. A bright red toy truck fell from her bag to the ground. She bent over, picked it up, then shoved it back in her purse before continuing. "Cavil found Blan this morning. A smart person would fly under the radar, but you? You nearly kill his right-hand man!” She laughed while tossing the uniform towards me. “Get dressed. If I were you, I’d go to the lab for the day.”

"Shit," I cursed while slipping the crisp teal dress over my shoulders and pulling it around my knees.

"You'll surely be punished. I've already done more than I should. I’ll tell Jules where you are. Hopefully Cavil is too distracted with a meeting he has this afternoon to bother with you until tonight. Good luck." Without further explanation, Dominique slipped out of my room and fled down the hall. It was then that I realized maybe she wasn't the ever-dutiful Walker that Cavil thought she was.

While leaving the Walker quarters, I found myself looking over my shoulder to ensure I wasn't followed, Dominique's frantic warnings still ringing throughout my mind. What about Cyler? Would he be okay?

The street was mostly empty, as it was too early for the rush of morning commuters off to their various jobs. The sun just began to rise, and without the soldiers and prejudiced passersby, I was able to fully appreciate the beauty of Ethros. The stucco buildings, the bright green plants, and brightly painted doors. Without the chatter of pedestrians, I could easily hear the crash of the ocean as waves hit the shore.

While straining to hear the comforting sound of the ocean, I heard the sounds of soft footsteps following closely behind me. My eyes sought out an escape. I slipped into a nearby alley shadowed by two tall homes. With my heart racing, I pressed my back against a cool stucco wall, all while holding my breath. One. Two. Three. I counted in my head and tilted my head towards the street, listening to the stepping cadence until the steps disappeared.

I exhaled in relief once I was sure no one was following me, then I stepped out of the dark alley and back into the street, eager to get to the lab.

"Ash!" A familiar voice whispered to my left, and I turned in relief as Kemper came into view.

"Have you been following me?" I asked as I pulled him back into the alley, both hiding in its shadows.

"Yes, I wanted to make sure you were okay. Things are bad..." he trailed off while thrusting his hand through his short blond hair.

"Is Cyler...?"

"He's fine. Cavil hasn't said or done anything yet, but we heard them rushing Blan to the healing pod for a broken jaw." I looked down at the red brick street and tried to bite back the worry that filled me .

Cavil didn't seem like one to take punishment lightly, and surely there would be punishment.

"I brought you breakfast. You also didn't have dinner last night." Kemper produced a small paper sack from behind his back and handed it to me. "I worry about you, you're not eating enough."

I tried to remember the last time I had an actual meal and realized that he was right. "Isn't it strange how easily we slip back into old routines?" I asked while pulling a bright orange from the bag and smiling a sad little smile. "Back in Stonewell manor, I Copyright 2016 - 2024