Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,132

out that ridiculous excuse. Maverick and Cy didn’t buy it for a minute. But I didn’t account for Huxley and the demons that plagued him. So when Jacob walked through the door, Huxley went wild. I—I’ve never seen anything like it. I was so frozen in fear that I couldn’t get the words out. Couldn’t admit to my lie.”

I didn’t know what to say. I lacked the words to adequately express the sadness I felt. I wanted to fix all their problems. I wanted Jules to find a way back into their family dynamic.

“I’m not telling you this for your pity, Walker. Wipe your eyes,” she growled, and I immediately began cleaning my face of the tears that fell. “I need you to know that I’ll do anything to fix this, and if that means rescuing a little Walker whore, then so be it.”

"Jules, how did Maverick get in contact with you?" I questioned. Jules squirmed in discomfort, and I knew a change in subject was necessary.

"Mav sent a one-way distress signal," she replied while wiping snot and salty tears from her red face. “Tallis was with Claude when Lackley's street team ambushed you. He called me the moment he realized Claude sold you out," Jules began

"Claude sold us out?" I replied in shock.

"That slimy asshole sent word to Lackley's men the first chance he got," Jules said with disgust. "Luckily, Tallis took care of him, the rat bastard," Jules said with a hint of wistfulness. “Tallis was able to get a guard to give us blueprints of the building, as well as get a message back to you. Maverick followed through on his side of the plan and gave Tallis implicit instructions not to let you know that they were planning on staying behind, as well as guaranteed that my transgressions would be forgiven if I helped."

I cursed. Maverick was in serious trouble.

"Jules, stop the transport," I asserted in a firm voice.

"NO!" Jules howled in response. I racked my brain for options, but each thought fell short.

"Reroute us for the city-center. We can wait this out and try again," I pleaded.

"I don't think you heard me, Ash! Maverick promised that I could stop working in the gardens as well as have my crimes against Jacob forgiven. You can bet your little Walker ass that I'm not going to let you ruin that for me with some shitty attempt at a rescue," Jules lectured.

I placed my head in my hands and continued to brainstorm .

"Ash, I'd rather claw my eyes out with a rusty spoon than work with you, but I know when to tap out and regroup," Jules said in an oddly mature sentiment.

I didn't want to admit out loud that Jules was right. I cursed my Walker upbringing. What use were cooking skills and household training when the ones you cared for needed a warrior? I released the notion that we could somehow magically invade the Emperor's Lab to rescue them unscathed and agreed to reassemble then come up with a plan.

We traveled in silence, aside from the occasional huff from Jules. The further from everyone we got, the more my heart felt like lead. Worry threaded through the gaps in my soul, binding me together in a ball of anxiety and angst. Were we doing the right thing? Could I have done better?

"Isn't it peculiar how things never change?" Jules asked. She appeared calmer now, as she held her fingers against her forehead near the bridge of her nose.

"What do you mean?” I asked.

"I've chased those boys around since I was in diapers. I never once caught up. Even now, I'm chasing after their ghosts," Jules spoke with such a calm sadness that I worried for her sanity.

"I don't hate you because you're a Walker. Or even because you're ignorant and naive about this world. I hate you because you so effortlessly slipped into their group," Jules said while removing her hand from her face then slumping in her seat. She gave me a cold, calculating gaze. I thought of Jacob, he truly did care for Jules. I saw it in the way he agonized over his relationship with her. How he wished he saw her the way she saw him.

"Jacob cares for y—" I began.

"Don't you say his name to me! Don't pretend to know him better than I do. Jacob was the only one that let me in. I loved him," she rushed out, her words flowing in manic worry.

"Do you still love him?" I Copyright 2016 - 2024