Wings of Tavea - By Devri Walls Page 0,65

of the hill sat an immense spread of tents. A few creatures were milling outside as the sun began to rise.

“Something has got them all worked up,” Drem said, peering out. “Group after group has moved through this area. I assume they are looking for you and your traveling party.”

“Yes,” Emane breathed, looking out over the army. Now he understood Kiora’s reasons for going with Alcander in the first place. She had felt something like this approaching.

“I have seen at least six other groups pass through here. The land will be crawling with the Shadow’s armies. Unless you have learned how to bubble, you won’t make it six steps out the enclosure.”

Emane wanted to explode. His chest was heaving with pent-up frustration. Turning away from the door he slammed his fist into the wall.

“Feel better?” Drem asked, shutting the door.

“No! No, I do not feel better,” Emane yelled. “I am the Protector. How can I protect her when I am clear across the valley trapped in some house? Lomay tricked me.”

“Not surprising,” Drem said, moving back over to the couch. “Lomay does what he wants to do, for reasons he does not explain. You are here now, so let’s get on with it.”

“Get on with what?”

“Lomay brought you here so I could train you.” Drem pulled up his sleeve to reveal what looked like a rope of grey rock flecked with black and gold minerals, twisting up his skinny forearm.

Emane paused. “What is that?”

Drem smiled, sending his ears bobbing upwards. “Magic. Lomay gave it to me years ago so I could learn how to use it.” Drem turned his head to the side. “It doesn’t work how they say it should, does it? Your magic?”

Emane’s hand moved over to his arm, rubbing the snake beneath his shirt. The healing always worked. But the other stuff was a constant struggle, even his weaponry. It was better, but still forced and awkward. “Not always, no,” he admitted.

“Because this,” he tapped the stone around his arm, “is not the same magic as theirs, and they don’t fully understand how to use it.”

“But you do?” Emane asked skeptically.

“I should. I have done nothing but hide in the side of this hill learning how to use it for the last fifty years.”

Emane looked around at the small house, frowning, “Why would you do that?”

“Because that is what Lomay wanted. What he wants, he usually gets. That, and my mother probably would have drowned me at birth had Lomay not intervened.”

“But I can’t stay here,” Emane protested. “Kiora is back there, alone. What if she needs me?”

“I can’t imagine the Solus would be in desperate need of your help in your current state.”

It was Alcander’s words all over again, and it sent Emane into a rage. “My current state?” he roared. “Kiora and I have worked together, fought together. My current state has worked just fine. She is powerful enough to make up for my weakness and I make up for hers. I do not need to be told constantly how worthless, or without, I am. Kiora does not have a problem with it, and I am sick and tired of the rest of you having a problem with it.”

Drem stood slowly, making his way towards Emane. Tilting his head up he looked Emane in the eye. “ I understand your anger, truly I do. Regardless of your past successes, I ask you this: would you like to live?”

Emane looked down at the strange old man. “Of course.”

“I do not know where you have come from or what you have fought. But the fact that you survived into adulthood tells me that wherever you were hiding, being a Witow was not frowned upon.”

Emane shook his head. “Most of us were Witows.”

Drem’s eyes took on a far off look. “That is a place I could only dream of.”

Emane’s heart softened. In that one wistful look Emane saw his own pain. “Perhaps one day I can show it to you.”

Drem’s eyes focused back in on Emane. “Truly?”

“When it is safe, yes.”

“Well then.” Drem reached up, clapping Emane on the shoulder. “We need to train you, to teach you. So you can survive this world. Because I would very much like to see this world of yours.”

* * *

KIORA LOOKED AROUND THE giant cavern. It was clearly designed for training purposes. The room was almost a perfect circle, and circles had been drawn on the floor with white paint. The center circle was only large enough for two people Copyright 2016 - 2024