Wings of Tavea - By Devri Walls Page 0,101

sand. Alcander picked her up, squeezing her tight to his body as he whispered the incantation to end the spell. Immediately the evil disappeared and the pain subsided. She sucked in deep gulps of air, trying to calm herself as he pulled her in tighter, murmuring something in her ear. It was a while before she understood him.

“It’s all right,” he said.

Grasping his shirt, she looked up at him, her eyes wide. His eyes were still open and vulnerable. Moving a hand from her waist, he suddenly cupped her face, pulling her into him with desperation. Their lips met and a fiery magic swirled between them. The little pops she had felt earlier were now glorious bursts of pleasure, moving from her head to her toes. Currents ebbed and flowed at every point their bodies touched. She was drowning in a sea of magic unlike anything she had ever felt before. His lips had looked so thin, but as he kissed her they felt just as full as—

She gasped, shoving off him and scrambling to her feet. Alcander sat on his knees, his stunned eyes staring at the sand.

“How dare you,” she said, pointing at him with a shaking finger.

His eyes, vulnerable a moment before, were hard and cold again as he looked at her. “You were fine with it a second ago,” he answered coolly.

“No! I was confused and hurting and you—you—” she stuttered.

“I what?” He slowly unfolded to his full height. “Took advantage of you?”

“Yes!” She gripped her head. “No! Oh, no, no. Emane is being tortured and I . . .” She shook her head, moaning. “You . . . I . . . your magic. What was that?”

His eyes narrowed. He grabbed her arm, his eyes burrowing into hers. The second he touched her, the magic began flowing between them again, more gently this time.

“That?” he nearly yelled, his voice shaking. “Is that what you’re referring to?”

“Yes,” she cried, ripping her arm out of his grasp.

He stepped forward, putting both his hands on her shoulders and pulling her into him.

“Let go of me,” she said through clenched teeth, trying to ignore the delicious feelings flowing through her.

“Can you feel it now?” he asked hotly.


“When we first met, did you feel it when I touched you?” he demanded, pulling her in tighter.


“Would you like to know why?”

She hesitantly turned her eyes up to meet his. He was so close, his lips only

inches away.


“Remember when I told you before that releasing magic into the one you love is part of the experience for those of us with magic?” She nodded. “It only happens—like this,” he squeezed her tighter, sending pinwheels of magic twirling through her, “when both parties have similar feelings. Both! So don’t tell me that you don’t.”

She jerked, releasing herself from his contact. “It’s not true.” Her lower lip trembled as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

“It is true. Why is that so bad?”

“I love Emane.” It was the first time she had vocalized those words. And she realized, her heart breaking more, she had not even said it to the man who was waiting so desperately to hear it.

Alcander’s face spasmed in what she could only assume was pain. “We have a problem then,” he said, “because you love me too.” Turning slowly, with one glance over his shoulder, he left her standing alone on the beach.

Her heart was torn and confused, held together by a horrific guilt. Dropping down to the sand, she pulled out the blue pendant the Guardians had made her. Rolling it around her fingers, she wished she were back in the Hollow, where things weren’t such a mess and Emane was with her, safe.

* * *

KIORA HAD WAITED TO go back to the tent until she was sure Alcander and Drustan would be asleep. Sitting on the beach alone, she had managed to talk herself out of any truth Alcander may have told her. But lying in the same room, inches away from him, she realized with dismay that she did feel a pull towards him. She silently cursed her magic, and his.

Pulling her pillow over her head, she groaned. She had finally been able to admit she loved Emane. How was she supposed to tell him now, after what had happened with Alcander? Emane wouldn’t understand—she didn’t understand. She lay there and cried silently until she finally passed out from mental and physical exhaustion.

The next morning Drustan shook her awake.

“Wake up, Kiora. His Highness has acquiesced to your Copyright 2016 - 2024