The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,53

this spot to ourselves for long," Fiona said, leaning her head back. "Before long the men are going to be down here waiting for their turn."

Fiona nodded at the spot next to her. "Get in. I know you have to be sore after a day pent-up in that wagon."

As if to remind her, Eva's bruises throbbed, her muscles sending up a signal that they'd had a long day too. A hot bath suddenly seemed worth every bit of risk.

Eva shrugged out of her clothes, leaving them behind as she slid into the water. She wasn't self-conscious about her body. As far as she was concerned all women had basically the same parts, just in different shapes and colors and a year of taking care of horses had made her almost as lithe and muscular as the warriors.

Eva let out a small gasp of pleasure as the heat loosened tired muscles. The water was this side of scalding and almost decadently blissful. Fiona had been right. This was well worth the risk.

"Does anyone know where we're going?" Laurell asked.

Fiona shrugged. "Somewhere north. The pathfinder seems to think it is rough country. He said to beware of beasts. Evidently, strange things live up there."

Laurell snorted. "Pretty much the usual then. This whole damn land is strange."

"As long as she does what she needs to do and gets us the alliance, who cares where we're going," Hanna said, her mysterious eyes locked on Eva.

Eva met her gaze with an expressionless face. If she thought Eva was doing this so the Trateri could procure mounts from the Kyren, she had another thing coming.

"Typical snake clan, only concerned about what's in it for you," Fiona said, scowling at the other woman.

Even Eva had heard about the snake clan—about their clan leader, a woman who'd tried several times to orchestrate Fallon's death. She'd thought the clan had been disbanded and destroyed.

Hanna gave Fiona a cool look. "I'm snake clan no more. I'm clanless now."

"Once snake clan, always snake clan," Fiona muttered.

"The actions of one don't define us all," Hanna said evenly, her expression flat.

Through the still water, Eva caught a glimpse of Hanna's hands, clenched, the knuckles white. She might not appear affected, but Eva was willing to bet the words stung. Losing your place would do that to you. Eva couldn't help but sympathize.

She leaned back, letting her mind drift as the hot water worked its magic. If only every stop after a day's journey could be like this.


Bathed and feeling surprisingly refreshed, Eva made her way back up the hill ahead of the other three. They had gotten out of the water just in time. Several groups of men were heading down as they headed up.

When she crested the top of the hill, Eva was relieved to see Sebastian back from his flight. He stood next to Caia, dwarfing the horse as he stared haughtily around him.

She murmured a goodbye to the others before making a beeline for the two.

His greeting was drowned out by Caia's nicker as she danced toward Eva, bobbing her head and acting like they hadn't seen each other for an eternity instead of a measly few hours.

The horse head-butted her as Eva lifted her hand to pet her. "Such a fuss over so little time apart. What am I going to do with you?"

Eva could see Caia had already been brushed down for the day. Probably by Ollie. She was grateful to the other man, knowing it should have been her job. He'd likely fed and watered her with the other horses.

Despite that, she found a brush and gave Caia a quick rub-down, knowing if she tried to approach the Kyren right now, Caia would kick up a fuss that would have the whole camp’s attention.

She was conscious of another of the Anateri's eyes on her the entire time as he scanned the area for threats. Drake, he’d been called by Caden. He didn't seem to need conversation. He was just there, an ever-present watcher.

Eva now understood some of Shea's constant irritation better, if this was what she contended with on a daily basis.

Doing her best to ignore the unwelcome guardian, Eva made quick work of brushing Caia down before moving to her next charge.

She approached Sebastian carefully, stopping out of reach and waiting for him to greet her. She'd had time to think during the wagon ride and wanted to try a few things. She'd been treating him like a horse when he wasn't actually a horse. He Copyright 2016 - 2024