The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,34

along. If this had been his home, you could bet he'd have arranged sentries long before the pathfinders had.

A wave of disgust at their laziness threatened. They had become content and complacent in their safety, and they had paid the price.

"And do you intend to accompany me to my chambers so I might rest?" the mythological asked in an attempt to make Caden uncomfortable.

What Ajari didn't understand, was the Trateri didn't have the same hang-ups over same sex couplings the Lowlanders and Highlanders did. While men weren't Caden's preference, he wasn't insulted at the insinuation either.

"We're here to ensure your safety during your visit with the Trateri," Caden said.

"Is your warlord so uncertain of his people's loyalty?" Ajari asked.

"Not at all," Caden said. "However, you said yourself, many things hunt for the first time in an age. The alliance is too unstable to chance your safety. Please allow us to act as your first line of protection." Caden bent forward in the slightest bow.

Ajari studied him before smirking. "You are more interesting than your silent appearance suggests. Very well, wolf. I will allow you this."

Caden didn't let the slightly mocking words affect him, well used to the strong personalities of the Trateri clan leaders Fallon dealt with on a daily basis.

They tested him in the same way Ajari did. It took a fine balance to negotiate the often-tempestuous waters, but it was something Caden had perfected long ago. It was why he'd given himself this task rather than entrusting it to one of his men.

"I have traveled far and look forward to experiencing this human bed you've promised," Ajari said.

Laine smiled and gestured for him to proceed him. "I know just the room for you."

Caden and the other two Anateri fell in behind them. He wanted to see Ajari settled and his people stationed before he peeled off to complete his other duties.

Caden had learned to trust his instincts, and they were clamoring, telling him change was once again in the wind. For good or ill, was yet to be determined.


Eva tried to quell the slightly panicked feeling in the pit of her stomach as she checked Caia over one last time. The mare had a disgruntled look on her face as Eva tightened the saddle, before checking and rechecking everything she'd done before.

While the mare loved a good run, she hated saddles almost as much. Normally, Eva could indulge her by riding bareback, but not this time.

This journey felt different from those they'd embarked on before. In the past, every trip had taken place with the entire Trateri army accompanying them. It was madness and chaos but of the controlled sort. She knew what to expect from those. A long day in the saddle with not much to do as they moved slowly across the Lowlands.

This time, she was venturing into the unknown. Judging by the sheer number of those who'd reported to the pasture and how busy Hardwick and the rest were as they prepared the mounts, it wasn't going to be a small party.

The journey ahead would take weeks, if Ajari was to be believed. While Eva was good at riding bareback, she didn't want to do it over that kind of distance.

She touched the small saddle roll and bags on either of Caia's flank but didn't open them. Ollie had helped her prepare for the journey ahead and she knew she had everything she needed—even if she was slightly terrified she'd forgotten something, despite checking everything five times already.

She took a deep breath, quelling her instinctive anxiety. You've got this, she told herself. It's just another movement like all the ones before. Who cares if you're going into the upper reaches of the Highlands where people are scarce and the beasts are terrifying?

She'd be in the company of a hundred Trateri warriors. She'd be fine. She would. She needed to stop acting like a mealy-mouthed Lowlander and start acting like she was a Trateri—chosen, if not born.

Caia's ears tilted forward and she let out a soft whicker.

"Aren't you a beauty, but I suspect you know that." Shea's voice came from behind Eva.

Eva lifted her head. "Tel—" She cut herself off with a wince.

"It's alright. I'm not quite used to my new title either," Shea said. "You can call me Shea, just like I will call you Eva."

Shea's hands went to her belly as she surveyed the proceedings wistfully.

Eva realized the Battle Queen wished she was going with them. It was a different outlook than she had Copyright 2016 - 2024