Wind Therapy - A.J. Downey Page 0,68

only two people to exist. Too fuckin’ good to be true, so of course I had to scrape some of the shine off the moment with some reality.

“You know how I can find your uncle?”

She stiffened in the water before me and asked, a thread of alarm in her voice, “Why would you want to do that?”

“You know why,” I said calmly.

She hugged my arms around her a little tighter and was silent for a time.

“If you do anything to him, you’ll alienate the only family I have left,” she said finally, almost so quietly, I didn’t hear her. I did hear the deep melancholy in her voice, the utter despair and I shook my head slowly.

“Those people may be blood, but they’re not your family, baby.” We’re your family now… I thought to myself, but I didn’t want to overburden her, tax her poor heart and mind any more than they already were.

“What if I don’t want you to do anything?” she asked, but there was a note in her voice, a quality that said she was just asking that. In all reality, she didn’t know what she wanted, and that was okay.

“I think we’re past that now, darlin.’ There comes a point a man has to answer for what he’s done.”

“Isn’t that the job for the system?” she asked.

“System had its chance and failed you,” I reminded her. “I won’t.”

She sighed and shifted uncomfortably saying, “Can we please just not talk about it now?” and the pleading in her voice made me wish to give her anything, anything she asked for… so I could curb it tonight but this wasn’t going to go away – not any time soon.

This discussion would be over when her perv of a kiddie-diddling uncle was in the ground.

I wish I could say I let it go completely then, but I couldn’t. I got us out of the bath and Marisol wrapped in a large towel from the warmer. I got us both tucked into bed, my woman lying draped artfully over my body, a warm and comforting weight against my chest, her leg draped over mine, my arm around her and my free hand caressing up and down the silky skin of her outer thigh as I stared into the dark in thought until I was too exhausted to think.

I wanted my retribution to be swift, but this was delicate. I didn’t want to cause a rift with my woman, and she was mine. I just needed to wait until she caught up to that fact. She was behind on the curve and was it any wonder?

I slept, and it was a deep sleep, waking up the next morning to muffled sounds coming from the kitchen, the hiss and spray of the washer running, and the click and clack of various things being moved around.

I got up and went out to her, leaning a shoulder against the archway, watching her move for a second as she pulled things from bags and sorted clothes into piles. Whites, darks, coloreds… the darks pile quite a bit larger than the rest.

“Oh! Dios mío! You scared the shit out of me!” She’d jumped, snapping her knees together beneath my one white button-down shirt I kept for court appearances, the sleeves rolled back over her slender wrists, the tails dragging tantalizingly across her long golden legs just above mid-thigh, perky tits pressing out against the thin material, her nipples a slightly darker shade against the fabric, hinting at the possibilities of my mouth suckling them through the cloth.

I stretched, languidly, arms above my head, cock jutting out in front of me bobbing in the cooler air of my kitchen and her gaze went from startled to hungry as she slowly let her eyes wander the length of my body in an appreciative slow roam.

“Want some sausage for breakfast?” I asked, grabbing myself and giving my dick a shake, once up, once down.

She rolled her eyes and her hand dropped from where she’d pressed it between her breasts.

“Want me to fry it up?” she asked, and my smile grew. There she was my sassy girl.

“I’m good,” I declared, switching my grip on my junk to a protective one and she smirked.

She went back to what she was doing, emptying packs, sorting clothes, and tossing odd bits of things into the washer’s barrel before finally closing the lid as it stopped spewing water and started to agitate.

“Got any big plans for today?” she asked with a gusty sigh that Copyright 2016 - 2024