Wind Therapy - A.J. Downey Page 0,22

me fast, determined to make me come on my feet, the music soft, the shower fall gentle, and us standing there still mostly clothed but having sex standing up, nonetheless. I mean, there was obviously no penetration happening here, but I was eager for it. I wanted this, was suddenly desperate not only to reach that climax but I wanted him inside me, fucking me, when I got there.

There wasn’t enough time. He was going to make me come with his hand, and I felt helpless to stop him. It skirted that edge of fear, having him do this to me. Having him hold me like this, keeping me from engaging much beyond reaching behind me and gripping his hard cock through his jeans, rubbing it through the thick material even as my other hand gripped the top of his thigh to hold on, to keep me grounded as the pleasure mounted and prepared to ride me.

He tore his mouth from mine. “That’s it, Zaychik. Come for me, baby. Come for me.”

With a high, thin wail I did just that, my knees going weak with only Maverick there to catch me and hold me up.

Chapter Seven


Oh, fuck yes, that was good. She was so hot, so beautifully responsive and her pussy felt so nice against my hand I couldn’t wait to get my cock involved.

Jesus, fuck, she was wet, and any misgivings I had about whether she might actually want me or not were dispelled right then and there.

She leaned back heavily against me, her chest heaving with deep and rhythmic breaths as she tried to recover from her orgasm. I loved each and every little aftershock twitch I wrung out of her as I intermittently tweaked and teased her oversensitive clit, enjoying the hot satin slickness of her arousal against my fingers. I could play in it, with her body, for hours and I intended to at some point – just not right now.

Right now, I wanted a shower with her, to fall into bed with her, and to sleep.

She turned around slowly and put her arms around me, cuddling against my chest and I put my arms around her, kissing the top of her head as she came down from me rocking her world. There was no little sense of satisfaction in what I’d accomplished with that.

She looked up at me and I smiled down into her beautiful face and said, “Shower, bed, sound good?”

“What about you?” she asked startled.

“Oh, I’m gonna get mine,” I assured her. “I’m tired, and it can wait. What can’t wait is getting cleaned up. I’m not getting into a clean bed feeling this filthy.”

I began to undress her while I talked and she let me at first before she seemed to catch up to herself and what was going on and reached for me. She undid the buckle of my chaps. I smiled, and we worked on each other’s clothes. Carefully, piece by piece, item by item, until we were both nude, our clothes mingling in a heap by the door.

I unclasped her hair last, tossing the clip back among our discarded clothing as she stepped over the high lip of the tub to stand beneath the hot rainfall of water from the showerhead. I stood with her, hands lightly resting on her hips as I tipped my face into the gentle fall of water.

God that felt good…

The hot water worked some magic on the both of us, relaxing sore and tensed muscles as we worked the rest of the knots and tension out of each other with soap-slicked fingers and hands.

“How do you turn it off from here?” she asked gently, and I smiled.

“It’s on a closed circuit,” I said, then called out, “Shower off!” The rainfall ceased and she blinked up at me.


“Yeah,” I said and laughed and reached out of the enclosed shower space and opened the linen storage in the corner and pulled out a couple of warmed towels. I handed her one.

“For real?” she asked, surprised as her hands met the warm, soft material.

“Ride out in the cold and the wet as much as I do, you appreciate the finer things. Bathroom was the first thing I did when I bought this place.”

“How long have you owned it?” she asked as I stepped out of the tub and onto the black bathmat.

“Two or three years?” She frowned slightly and I chuckled. “I like doing as much of it as I can myself,” I explained and she nodded Copyright 2016 - 2024