For the Win - Raine Thomas Page 0,81

time to pull the plug, as she didn’t know what was about to happen.

One look at the excitement radiating from her adorable face told him they had to stick around.

Over the next ten minutes, about fifteen more people arrived. Even then, the group was a lot smaller than Will pictured for an after-party. Maybe E.J. had mislabeled the event.

Katie soon got bored. Jasmine waved at the square carpeted section among the various sofas, loveseats, and padded chairs and encouraged her to dance to get her energy out. Katie kicked off her shoes and moved into the square. After a moment where she listened to the beat of the song, she started to dance.

“Where did she learn that?” Will asked Jasmine from his spot beside her on a loveseat.

She smiled. “We’ve practiced it sometimes after ballet when you’re not around. Since she watches The Void’s videos so often, I thought she’d get a kick out of it.”

Katie wasn’t performing ballet. She was pulling off some astonishing hip-hop moves.

Jasmine pulled up her phone’s camera and started recording a video. That was how she happened to capture the moment when The Void walked into the room.

First came a couple of the serious types in suits who had to be bodyguards. Then the five band members, Lily, and two other females he recognized from House of Archer strode into the room behind them. They all fanned out, most of them approaching the other party guests who happened to be closer to where they entered. Katie, who was facing Will, was unaware of what was happening.

He watched as Archer caught sight of Katie. The tattooed rock star tilted his head as though processing what he was seeing. Then he grinned.

No wonder Katie wanted to marry the guy, Will found himself thinking.

He wore a pair of black denim pants with leather accents and a series of horizontal zippers along the sides, a plain black T-shirt, and black high-top sneakers. Despite the simple, monochromatic style, he somehow compelled everyone’s gaze to follow him as he moved closer to Katie. He paused a few feet away from her and placed his hands on his hips.

“Hey, are you stealing my moves?” he asked.

She stopped and spun around. Her head tilted back. When she saw who was in front of her, her eyes popped wide and both of her hands flew to her mouth.

He lowered into a squat and gave her one of his famed dimpled smiles. “I’m Archer. You must be Katie.”

She nodded. Her hands didn’t move from her face. Will thought she might start hyperventilating.

“I like your shirt,” Archer said, indicating The Void T-shirt Jasmine had given her.

Katie instinctively made the sign for thank you. Will got to his feet so he could interpret.

Then Archer responded in ASL, You sign?

She nodded.

How do you dance so well if you can’t hear the music?

She looked at Will. He moved forward.

“Hi. I’m Katie’s dad, Will Campbell.”

Archer rose from his crouch and reached out to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you. You’ve got a talented little girl.”

Will wanted to look back at Jasmine and shout, “Did you hear what Archer just said to me?” But he somehow kept his cool and instead said, “Thanks. Katie can hear the music. She just prefers signing over speaking.”

“Ah. Okay.” Looking back at her, Archer asked, “You want to dance with me?”

She gave him a bright smile and a nod.

“Do you have a favorite song?”

When she once again looked at Will, he answered, “‘Welcome to Wonderland.’”

Archer grinned and winked at her. “I should have known that was your favorite based on the dancing.”

He turned to say something to the suit standing behind him that Will couldn’t hear over the music. The suit said something into his sleeve, making Will think of the Secret Service.

Seriously, could this guy get any more badass?

A minute later, the opening strains of “Welcome to Wonderland” started playing. Katie jumped a little with an ecstatic expression on her face. Archer moved into position a few feet from her. Will stepped back to give them more room.

“Ready?” Archer asked her. “The same routine you were dancing from the video. I’ll count it off with the beat and we’ll start on three.”

She nodded.

“One, two, three.”

It was truly something to behold. Every camera in the room was focused on Katie as she matched Archer move for move. They performed the routine flawlessly like they had rehearsed it a hundred times. When they were done, they faced each other. Archer lifted his hand and Katie Copyright 2016 - 2024