For the Win - Raine Thomas Page 0,70

and Jasmine made it come true. It didn’t even matter that the sentiment had been written by her. The childish scribblings accompanying the words told him Katie had been on board with the project.

How had Jasmine known?

His heart gave a hard squeeze as he moved along to rectangle two. This one’s simple blue frame enclosed a big red arrow. Written inside the arrow was the message, “Right this way.” Beside that, the third rectangle bore a bubbly orange frame and the words “Are you ready?” The last rectangle featured a surprisingly good drawing of a ballerina on a stage. Rather than a frame, this one included a banner reading, “It’s time to dance” and another arrow pointing to the front door.

He looked up and found Katie standing there in a glittery white and gold ballet outfit he didn’t recognize. Her bright smile told him everything she couldn’t put into words. Behind her, Jasmine stood with her hands on Katie’s shoulders. Her smile was softer, as though she knew how special this gift was to him.

“I took pictures of it already,” she said. “I was afraid the rain might get here before you.”

Of course she had.

“Wanted proof that your sidewalk chart art isn’t half-bad?” he asked as she opened the storm door and he stepped over the sidewalk to the front stoop.

“It’s only half-bad today? You must be in a good mood.”

He stepped into the house, stopping mere inches from her, and met her gaze. “I am.”

Her gaze heated, sending blood rushing to his lower body. “Good.”

Katie grabbed his hand and gave it a tug, turning him from his inappropriate thoughts. Kneeling, he drew her into a hug.

“Thanks for the beautiful artwork, my little ballerina,” he said. “Now what’s all this about a show?”

Ten minutes later, he sat in one of two chairs that they brought up to the loft from the dining room. His dad sat beside him wearing a shit-eating grin. Will crossed his arms and gave him the side-eye.

“What do you know that I don’t?” he asked.

“You’ll see.”

Jasmine took her position beside an iPhone dock with a built-in speaker that she must have brought with her. “Okay, Katie,” she called.

Will turned with his dad to watch Katie make her way up the stairs. She held the rail with her right hand and took the steps in a measured rhythm that told him she had practiced it. She no longer smiled. Instead, she wore a look he recognized…the same one he wore whenever he approached the mound to face a batter.

She looked like she was about to kick ballet’s ass.

Since his dad held his phone to record the performance, Will just sat back to enjoy it. Katie moved into the middle of the room and struck a graceful pose. She didn’t move until Jasmine pressed the play button and the opening strains of the song began.

It wasn’t a song Will recognized, but it had a country vibe. He listened to enough of the lyrics to pick up the phrase “Daddy’s little girl” in the chorus. If he had paid more attention to the music, he might have gotten worked up about that. Instead, he watched with increasing astonishment as Katie performed a dance he hadn’t seen before at any of her lessons.

She was extraordinary.

By the time the song ended and his daughter finished the dance with a perfectly held pose, his jaw was hanging. His dad chuckled and elbowed him in the side.

“Isn’t she something?” Frank asked, lowering his phone and getting to his feet.

Will followed suit. The two of them gave Katie a standing ovation. Jasmine joined in, smiling as Katie did a joyful little hop and took her bow.

“Honest to God, I’m just blown away,” Will said, stepping forward to give Katie a big hug. “Thank you. That was the best Father’s Day gift a guy could ask for.”

Katie gave him one of her giggle sounds, making the moment even sweeter.

When it was his turn to give Katie a hug, Frank said, “Great job, sweetheart. You nailed it.”

“You really did, Katie,” Jasmine added. “You should be so proud of yourself.”

When his dad released her, Katie turned and threw her arms around Jasmine. Jasmine gathered Katie against her and smiled down at her. The sight of the two of them just like that solidified all the feelings Will had been processing for weeks now.

He was certain he was looking at his future.

Seeing Will’s expression, Frank cleared his throat and said, “All right, little lady. Let’s get you changed Copyright 2016 - 2024