For the Win - Raine Thomas Page 0,45

The idiot pulled it right out of the ceiling and knocked out one of his teeth when it fell.”

“Damn,” Eddie said as someone else issued a sympathetic whistle.

“Ceiling fans are pretty straightforward,” Will said.

Duane got up from his chair and walked over beside him. “How about drywall?”

“All right, guys,” Will said, once again shifting to address everyone. “I’ll make you a deal. If you’ll try to pay attention to the rest of the game, I’ll buy you a round afterward and answer any questions you have about home repairs.”

The others exchanged considering glances. It was Tony who responded first.

“What the hell,” he said with a shrug. “Free drinks and a solution for the hole in my ceiling? I’m in.”

Seeing the others give similar shrugs and move their chairs closer to the fence, Will realized he might have just made a breakthrough. It had him marveling almost as much as the breakthrough he and Jasmine had witnessed just before he left on this road trip.

He couldn’t wait to hear that giggle from Katie again.

Unfortunately she hadn’t done it again during their time together in Philly or on any of their daily FaceTime calls, but that was fine. He’d waited a year and a half to hear any sound from her at all. He could wait a little longer for more progress. Maybe one day soon, he’d hear a full laugh from her.

And maybe one day, he’d experience the joy of hearing her call him Daddy.

He had spent a lot of time thinking about that miraculous giggle. Between how rocky things had started between him and Jasmine in Everly’s waiting room and Katie’s usual aversion to females, he found it ironic that this breakthrough had happened during their dinner together. It hadn’t escaped him that Jasmine’s presence in their lives had made a huge impact on his daughter.

Katie smiled more. She danced all the time. She engaged more in her sessions with Gareth.

Will knew she loved spending time with Jasmine. Hell, he did too. He looked forward to every lesson with an almost embarrassing amount of eagerness.

It prompted him to reconsider his dad’s suggestion of asking her out. He suspected the invitation would be well-received. Jasmine had said a few things that made him think she was interested in him as more than a client or, after more than two months working together, a friend.

But would it put their growing friendship at risk?

Well, Campbell, he told himself as the ballgame came to an end, there’s only one way to find out.

* * *

“You’ve come a long way, Jasmine,” Everly said as they sat together after their last PT session. “You’re officially cleared to get back to your pre-injury exercise and practice regimens and start auditioning again.”

Jasmine had been waiting seven months to receive this news. While it did produce a smile, it also caused a twinge of fear.

Was she ready to return to the career that had caused her terrible injury? Now that she knew how difficult it was to recover, was she brave enough to put herself at risk again? What if her recovery had put her too far behind the competition?

Dr. Smythe was helping her learn how to cope with the mental challenges she still needed to overcome. For now, Jasmine put them to rest and focused on the positive news.

“Thanks, Everly. I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done.” She reached into her gym bag and pulled out the small gift she’d brought along. “This is a little something for you.”

Everly accepted it with a smile. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“I wanted to. I can’t fully express how much you’ve helped me in our time together. This was the least I could do.”

Opening the dark blue outer envelope, Everly pulled out the certificate inside. Jasmine was pleased to see her smile.

“The spa assured me they offer packages that are perfectly safe for pregnant women,” Jasmine explained. “Since you’re in your fifth month, they said you can make an appointment any time.”

“This is so thoughtful.” Everly tucked the certificate back in the envelope. “I appreciate you thinking of it. Goodness knows I’m going to need some serious help with back pain in another month or so.”

“I can well imagine.”

Everly grinned and ran a hand over her stomach. “Yeah. This little guy feels like he’s going to be eleven pounds come mid-September.”

Jasmine’s eyes went wide, making Everly laugh.

The session officially concluded a few minutes later. Everly gave Jasmine a file folder with her relevant notes and recommendations for future strengthening exercises Copyright 2016 - 2024