For the Win - Raine Thomas Page 0,31

pulled off her sweatshirt to reveal a black leotard underneath it. His eyebrows lifted in admiration as he took in the sight of her nicely toned shoulders and arms. She clearly took her training seriously.

“Next we need to put your hair in a bun,” she said, giving Katie’s usual ponytail a careful study. “I brought you a hair tie because I remembered your hair was tied with a rubber band last time I saw you. Those aren’t good for your hair. Are you okay with me taking that out and putting your hair up with this?”

She held up a black fabric-covered band. Katie nodded and turned slightly so Jasmine had easier access. Jasmine reached up and snapped the rubber band, placing the broken piece into her bag. Then she gathered Katie’s hair so she could twist it into a high bun, making it look easy.

Will was sure he wouldn’t accomplish it without weeks of practice.

It finally occurred to him that he was just standing there watching females style their hair. He shook his head at himself and left the room as quietly as he could, grateful the wood floors were high enough quality that they didn’t give him away by squeaking.

The walk-through didn’t take him long. He wanted to reacquaint himself with the space since it had been a couple months since they purchased it. Campbell Investments usually tried to flip properties as quickly as possible. In this case, they were taking the time to decide what would be the most lucrative way to finish it for selling.

The former dining area was by far the largest space. It could easily be converted into multiple sections. Maybe some offices, he mused, or retail with dressing rooms, checkout counters, and additional storage. The bathrooms, manager’s office, and private dining room would be useful in any environment, but they needed updating. The kitchen could be downsized and repurposed into a break room. The remaining space was flexible depending on which direction they took.

He made a few notes in his phone, jotting down ideas and questions to review with his dad later. Then he headed back to the front to see how the lesson was going.

The strains of some kind of classical music reached him before he entered the room. He didn’t immediately see Katie and Jasmine from beyond the stacks of chairs. When he reached the chair he’d pulled down for himself, he saw them standing at the barre, facing the mirror.

He was pretty sure his eyes nearly plopped out of his head.

Jasmine was performing a standing split. Her long legs, now covered in tights rather than the baggy pants, made one straight vertical line. Her right hand grasped the barre while her left hand grasped her calf in the air, leaving her torso curved in an elegant arch.

“So that’s the second position stretch,” Jasmine said, lowering her leg. “But as I said, that will come later. Our barre work will be much more basic to start.”

She spotted him as he dropped down into his chair. He did his best to close his gaping mouth.

“All done?” she asked.


Thank God she didn’t ask him anything else. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to find his voice again.

Jesus. She was magnificent.

There was no doubt Jasmine was a beautiful woman. He’d acknowledged that the moment he was no longer looking at her through the overprotective dad haze from their first meeting. She had dark, lustrous hair, a flawless porcelain complexion, high cheekbones, and almond-shaped brown eyes that hinted at Asian heritage somewhere in the mix. She was lithe and slender, her every movement a study in grace and precision.

And she had fucking killer legs.

He had noticed that too when they saw each other at Steamy Beans. He’d barely been able to take his eyes off them as she made her way around the bar in the black skirt she’d been wearing. He hadn’t been alone, either. Nearly every male left in the place had given those legs more than one glance while he’d been there.

Sure, she was beautiful. But now…good lord. Those tights and that leotard showed him just what her baggy clothes had been hiding. Combined with the refinement of her movements, it had his body responding in a completely unexpected way.

Which was crazy, he told himself, since her poise and control were the two traits he had initially disliked about her the most.

Life could sure be ironic.

He shook off his reaction and returned his focus to the lesson, doing his best to look only Copyright 2016 - 2024