For the Win - Raine Thomas Page 0,118

his memory. Between things heating up in the pennant race, working with Jasmine to get Pirouette up and running in time for her Labor Day goal, getting Katie enrolled in school, working with his dad on a couple more property projects, and handling the legal matters on his plate, there were days he could barely remember his own name.

He wouldn’t change a thing about it, though.

“You do have that whipped look about you these days, Campbell,” Kyle Kintzler observed.

“Hey, sign me up to get whipped by his sexy-hot ballerina any day,” Javy volunteered.

Will just drank his beer, knowing that a response would invite more smartass commentary. Cole stepped in and asked what everyone planned to do when they got home from their road trip, effectively turning the topic.

Just as Will was about to head back to his room so he could call Jasmine, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to find Ted, a member of the team’s security detail, standing behind him.

“Excuse me, Mr. Campbell,” the brawny guy said. “The woman we’ve been alerted to watch for—Ms. Wilkins—just entered the premises.”

Will straightened and looked across the bar. He spotted Carol Ann near the entrance. She was talking to the woman at the hostess stand, likely pleading her case to get to the back where the players were gathered. She didn’t know that wouldn’t work. The hotel would never earn the business of the team again if they didn’t respect the players’ privacy.

He scanned her attire, taking in the crotch-length skirt, low-cut top, and mile-high stilettoes, and asked himself two questions: one, how had he ever lacked the sense enough to get involved with her?

And two, was he going to end up in the tabloids looking like he was propositioning a hooker just by getting within a few feet of her?

“Thanks, Ted,” he said. “I’ll go talk to her.”

“Should I notify Ms. Sanderson?”

Will had discussed the situation with the team’s owner back when Carol Ann first filed her petition to revise Katie’s custody agreement a few weeks ago. He hadn’t known if the team’s legal or PR teams needed a heads up. Caroline assured him she would take care of things on that end but asked to be kept apprised of any new developments.

“Sure,” he said. Turning to his teammates, he placed some cash on the table to cover his tab and tip and told them, “I’ve got to go take care of something, guys. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”

Receiving their round of farewells, he headed through the bar to meet Carol Ann. She stopped harassing the hostess when she saw him coming. Her face transitioned into a smug smile.

“See?” she said to the harried hostess who looked near tears. “I told you he’d want to see me.”

Before the hostess could apologize, Will reached into his wallet and fished out a couple of twenties. “For having to deal with her,” he said by way of explanation.

Carol Ann’s smile fell from her face.

The hostess took the twenties and brightened considerably. “Thank you, sir.”

“Come on,” he said to Carol Ann.

Not waiting for her reply, he walked out of the bar and headed to the concierge. The hotel was the type to prep for VIP guests, so the woman behind the desk gave him a cheerful greeting when he approached.

“What can I do for you this evening, Mr. Campbell?”

“You got a business office or someplace quiet I can have a conversation?”

“Of course, sir. Right this way.”

She led them down a quiet hallway on the other side of the registration office to a small meeting room. He thanked her as she let them into the room and closed the door behind them. He took the closest seat at the six-person conference table. Carol Ann strolled leisurely to the other side of the table and eased into the chair across from him.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, uninterested in small talk.

“I came to see the game,” she replied. “I drive out to see Washington play at least twice a season. It’s only seven hours from Ashville.”

“Don’t waste my time. You could’ve attended the game without hunting me down.”

She lifted her right arm to brace her elbow on the chair’s back in a negligent pose. “Fine. I want to talk about Katherine.”

He started to snap that her name was Katie before realizing she was baiting him. “You know damn well that you’re supposed to go through my attorney to have these conversations,” he said instead.

“Attorneys gum up the works. We’re two mature Copyright 2016 - 2024