For the Win - Raine Thomas Page 0,11

Katie. It was an arrangement that worked well for all of them.

For the upcoming spring training trip, Gareth agreed to travel with Will and Katie to Florida so he could stay with her during Will’s games and inter-stadium travel. Will also planned to spend some one-on-one time with his daughter while they were away. His dad had to stay in Atlanta and work on a couple of their reno projects that were at critical phases in their timelines.

“I think Gareth packed a month ago,” Will said after downing the water. “But I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”

Frank issued another chuckle. “I’m sure you’re right. I also need to tell Jason you’ll be playing. He wanted to take in a few games this year.”

Unlike Will’s two older sisters who still lived in Chicago, Will’s older brother Jason lived in Tampa. He and his wife, Krista, made an effort to get together with Will, Frank, and now Katie a few times a year. Spring training made it convenient for all of them.

“Let him know I’ll have tickets for him to any games he wants,” Will said.

“Will do.”

The doorbell chimed.

“That’ll be dinner,” Frank said, easing off the stool. “I’ll go grab it. Why don’t you round up your little girl and make sure she kept her hands clean?”

His dad liked to say things like “your little girl” or “your daughter.” It had started in an effort to remind Will that yes, he actually was a father now and that little girl was his responsibility. The habit had just stuck.

Will didn’t mind. The difference now was that instead of fatherhood terrifying him, it filled his heart with unimaginable love.

Heading to Katie’s room, he prepared himself for what he might find. The last time she’d raced off to her room with so much energy, he’d found her trying to dress Gump in one of her doll’s outfits. He’d never forget the look on Gump’s face. The dog had stared at Will like it was all his fault, even though Will had been the one to rescue him.

And hey, Katie hadn’t actually gotten around to painting his nails, now had she?

Her door was cracked open enough that Gump could have escaped if he wanted, so that was something. Loud music flooded the hallway outside her door.

The Void, of course.

He made a mental note to tell her for the nine-hundredth time to keep her stereo at a lower volume as he pushed her door open. He spotted her standing in front of the floor-length mirror in the far corner of her room. Her intent expression made him curious, so he didn’t immediately announce himself. He leaned against the doorjamb and watched as she carefully positioned herself, turning out her feet, lifting her arms, and holding her spine ramrod straight. She lifted her chin, met her gaze in the mirror…

And beamed with more joy than Will had ever seen from her.

Oh, his heart.

He couldn’t contain his own broad smile. Was this the miracle he’d been hoping for? Could dance really be the key to breaking through his daughter’s lingering trauma?

Gauging Katie’s reaction now, that sure seemed to be the case. She looked like another child.

His smile eased as the full irony of this discovery struck him. After spending fourteen months and thousands of dollars on doctors and therapists, it appeared his daughter’s savior had come in the form of a perfect stranger.

One he had vowed to press charges against if he ever saw her near Katie again.

Chapter Four

As the irate father left with the little girl, Jasmine watched them go while fighting the urge to further defend herself. Still, she couldn’t resist giving the girl a wink when she glanced over her shoulder. There was just something so endearing about that serious expression she seemed prone to wearing.

“Sorry about that, Dr. Parker,” Jasmine said when they were alone.

Her physical therapist’s lips turned up at the corners. “Didn’t I tell you to call me Everly, Jasmine?”

Jasmine tapped her temple as she walked over to pick up her gym bag. “Sorry. You’re Dr. Parker in my head. I still forget sometimes.”

“It’s fine.” Everly stood to the side and waved Jasmine ahead of her toward the therapy area. “Sorry I’m running a little behind. I appreciate you waiting.”

“No problem. I actually had fun with that little girl. Katie, right?”

“Yeah. She’s a sweetheart.”

“Can’t say the same about her father,” Jasmine said dryly as they reached the therapy area. “Boy, did he get bent out of shape when he saw me Copyright 2016 - 2024