Willow's Wedding Vows - Debbie Viggiano Page 0,51

then flaming well leave you.’

‘Is that what’s happened then? He’s cleared off?’

‘Not totally’ – Willow could sense Emma shrugging – ‘but he might as well have done. After all, he wants us to take a break. Just for a bit. But how long is “a bit?”’ Emma complained.

‘I don’t know,’ said Willow sympathetically. ‘But you’re worth far more than taking a back seat whilst waiting for some guy to make up his mind about whether he wants to be with you or not. He sounds like a mind-messer. And didn’t you say he was already in a relationship?’

‘A relationship in the throes of dying,’ said Emma defensively.

‘Nonetheless, it does sound’ – Willow picked her words carefully – ‘a teensy bit complicated.’

When Emma didn’t reply, Willow was worried she’d offended her.

‘I mean, the likely reason for him wanting a break–’

‘Yes?’ said Emma eagerly.

‘Is to extricate himself from his current relationship, and then have a bit of time to himself. Just to, you know, catch his breath.’

‘Do you think?’

At the other end of the line, Emma’s voice had whooshed like a high-speed elevator from deep despair to sky-high hope.

‘Yes, I do think. In fact, I’m positive,’ said Willow, crossing her fingers. ‘But it doesn’t stop me from worrying about you, Ems. I don’t want you getting hurt.’

‘Too late for that.’

Gloominess whipped away Emma’s previously positive tone.

‘But don’t fret about me. I’ll get over it.’ She gave a derisive laugh. ‘After all, I’ve had plenty of practice over the years.’

‘I just know that there’s someone out there waiting for you,’ said Willow encouragingly. ‘You’ll see.’

‘Yeah, well I wish he’d hurry up and come along and help me get over this guy. Why are all men dickheads?’

‘I don’t know.’

Willow didn’t believe her man was a dickhead but decided to go along with Emma’s opinion given her blue mood.

‘Anyway, enough about me and my failed relationships,’ said Emma. ‘So do tell. If you’re not secretly giving Charlie the run-around, how come you’ve had another guy in your house? Has he gone?’

‘No, he’s still there,’ said Willow mischievously.

‘And Charlie knows about him?’ asked Emma, mystified.

‘He does. In fact, it was his suggestion.’

‘Okay, now you’re really blowing my mind. Let me get this straight. Your boyfriend wasn’t around last night, but this other guy was?’


‘And he stayed the night?’

‘Yes,’ Willow giggled.

‘And Charlie condoned this man sleeping with you?’ said Emma in astonishment.

Willow burst out laughing.

‘Okay, I’ll come clean. So, when I tried calling you, it was with the intention of having a bit of a bitch-fit rant. I was really fed up. Last night Charlie had to unexpectedly go away on business, which was disappointing enough – lately, I’ve hardly seen my boyfriend – but to cap it all off, Charlie’s allowed his mate from work to move in. Ben. I felt miffed actually, because Charlie didn’t even think to ask me how I felt about the arrangement. Typical man. Anyway, it transpires Ben hasn’t been happy with Anna – that’s his girlfriend – for ages, so now they’ve gone their separate ways. However, they’ve got to sort out selling their house, and as neither of them wish to suffer each other’s company before the house is sold, Charlie told Ben he could move into our spare room. I came home last night to find the hallway stuffed with plastic sacks and suitcases, and was far from impressed. But I could hardly tell Ben to sling his hook. Nor could I have a private row with Charlie about it because he was hastily stepping over everything and fighting his way towards the front door. He had an overnight bag in one hand, and said he was off to see a demanding client who’d threatened to take business elsewhere. So there I was, still in my coat, saying a rushed good-bye to my boyfriend, and expected to cook dinner for another man. Anyway, Ben and I shared a companionable meal together. Obviously mad-arse Anna came up in the conversation, and before you tell me off for being rude about her’ – Willow lowered her voice confidentially – ‘she is most definitely mad-arse because, do you know what that woman did?’

Willow paused dramatically but didn’t wait for Emma to reply and swept on.

‘Anna phoned me at the crack of dawn. Can you believe it? It was still dark outside, that’s how early it was. Anna said she was really fond of me – ha, can you believe that! – so much so that she was most concerned about my

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