Wildest Dreams - By Rosanne Bittner Page 0,238


"I guess," Luke said, his blue eyes drilling into the young man. "We have another custom out West. Anybody who abuses a man's daughter answers to her father. And any man who wants to marry a man's daughter, asks the father's permission first."

Lawrence reddened deeply, and the butler stood aside, silently amused. He liked this big man from Montana.

Lettie and Pearl stopped talking, having heard the remark. Pearl rose, walking over beside Lawrence. "Father, I... I never thought you would disapprove! Lawrence and I are so happy, and we have so much in common—"

"I didn't say I disapproved, Pearl. I just think asking the father is the right thing to do. If Lawrence were the king of England, I would still expect him to ask for your hand."

Lawrence swallowed, straightening his shoulders. In all his travels and of all the important people he had met, he had never been more awed than he was by Luke Fontaine, nor more afraid of someone; but Pearl had warned him to be forthright and bold in front of the man. She had told him about Luke's reaction to her sister Katie wanting to marry a sheep man. If not for Brad Tillis's straightforwardness, Luke might have kicked him out of the house.

He moved an arm around Pearl. "All right, Mr. Fontaine. I think Pearl is the most beautiful woman God ever created, and her talent is astounding. We share a love of music and feel we would be very happy together. I love her beyond measure, and it would be impossible for me to harm a hair on her head. I can give her a life of wealth and luxury, but more than that, I can give her love, forever. My parents also love her. We are not stiff, unfeeling people who think we are better than others, if that is what you think. We simply love music, and music is what has brought my father this far. This is a happy household, albeit quite ostentatious, but happy, nonetheless. My own parents were married in Germany thirty years ago, and they were both poor in their beginnings. They have worked hard to get where they are. I love your daughter, Mr. Fontaine, and I respectfully ask your permission to marry her."

Luke set his wineglass on a small table beside the leather chair in which he sat. He rose, dwarfing Lawrence. Robbie watched wide-eyed, and Lettie waited nervously, hoping Luke wouldn't say something to spoil this happy moment for Pearl. Luke put out his hand, and Lawrence took it, wincing a little at the firm grip. "All right," Luke told him. "You can marry her, but you take damn good care of her, and not just in material things. There is a sweetness and goodness to my daughter that I never want to see destroyed."

"Why would I destroy the very things that I love about her?" Lawrence answered.

Luke finally grinned. "My only other requirement is that you come and visit the Double L once in a while so Pearl can see her sister and her brothers and nieces and nephews."

Lawrence grinned with relief, but sweat beaded his brow. "Yes, sir. I truly look forward to it. Perhaps you or one of your sons can teach me to ride."

"We might be able to find a gentle old nag for you," Luke joked.

They all laughed then, and Lawrence asked Pearl to play something for them to show her parents how she had progressed over the last two years. Lettie walked over to squeeze Luke's hand. "Thank you, Luke. I wasn't sure what you were going to say."

He studied Lawrence a moment. He had walked to the grand piano with Pearl and was looking at some sheet music with her. "It takes all kinds, I guess. If he makes Pearl happy, then so be it." He picked up his wineglass and moved to a love seat with her so they could sit together while Pearl played. Almost from the first moment her fingers touched the keys, they were both astounded. Lettie felt a chill move up her spine at the magnificent playing, and she knew that sending Pearl there had been the right thing to do. She entertained them for nearly an hour until Lawrence's parents arrived. Professor Bansen was a big, heavy-set, bearded man with a deep voice, his wife tiny and gray haired. She was elegantly dressed, surprisingly natural and friendly for her apparently high station in society. She and Lettie liked each other right

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