Wild Irish Sage (Mystic Cove #9) - Tricia O'Malley Page 0,68

pointing out that there are always solutions to problems,” Brogan said pragmatically.

“I don’t know how I feel about all of this,” Kira said, nerves fluttering in her stomach. Everything in her screamed that she wanted Brogan, but it felt like she was also being expected to change her entire life. It was too much, too soon.

“Luckily, we used condoms so this is not a discussion we have to address anytime soon.” Brogan seemed to sense the panic rising in Kira. Turning, he pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’ve only asked you for time, Kira. I’m not asking you to change your stance on motherhood or to give up a career you love. I was just pointing out that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.”

Then why, Kira wondered, did it feel that way?

Chapter 25

The weeks passed by in a blur of activity. With the lovely spring weather, more tourists visited the area and Kira was kept hopping at the gallery. True to Morgan’s prediction, her prints had sold out almost instantly and she’d been busy creating various-sized versions of them ever since.

“That’s another thirty Mr. Murphys sold just this morning on the internet,” Morgan called to Kira, who was working the printer in the backroom. It tickled Kira to think about the real Mr. Murphy for sale.

“I really can’t believe how much these photos have taken off.”

“Mr. Murphy is now our bestseller. He might even be trending.” Morgan leaned against the doorjamb to the printer room. “Have you considered hiring help?”

“Me? For what?”

“To take care of these prints. That way, you can be outside taking more photos. Your talents are wasted back here.”

“I like framing up my photos,” Kira protested.

“Sure and they look lovely. But, Kira… you won’t be able to keep up with the demand. We’ve just had an order for two hundred of your prints for a gift shop in Dublin. How long will that take you to fulfill?”

“Two hundred?” Kira squealed.

“Aye. Of course, we’ll negotiate price and offer at cost. Still, that’s a nice order, isn’t it? Just imagine what else you could be doing with your time. In fact, I may put my foot down and insist on hiring. I’ve just the person in mind for the job as well.”

“But… wait, are you kicking me out?”

“Your talent is wasted here. I’ve got the girl coming in at noon to train.”

“You already hired her?”

“On a trial basis.”

“Does my Mam know?”

“Sure and I don’t need to be bothering Aislinn on her extended holiday, now do I? I’ve made great success with our galleries based on my own management decisions.”

Kira recognized the light of war in Morgan’s pretty eyes.

“All right, all right. I’ll back away from the prints.”

“Take your camera. Get outside. I want more photos to sell. You’re boosting our sales quite nicely.”

“Gee, is that all I am to you? A cash cow?”

“Thank the goddess one of us cares about numbers. You and your Mam would give your art away without a second thought.”

“That’s the truth of it,” Kira laughed. “We do have trouble pricing our work.”

“Which is why you need me to be handling it for you. Now. Get me some pretty pictures. What about some of the fishing boats? People seem drawn to those types of paintings.”

“Fishing boats. Got it. I’ll see what I can manage to scrabble together for you.”

“Perfect. I’ll expect at least three solid images.”

“Bossy,” Kira muttered as she brushed past.

“Thank you. I take that as a compliment,” Morgan called after her.

Kira clattered up the back stairs to her studio apartment. She collected her camera, pausing to study the mussed sheets. Brogan had stayed with her last night, and the memories of being with him flooded her with warmth.

They’d fallen into the habit of spending every night together. They had a standing date night each week with the other two couples, coming together for dinner and drinks at Gallagher’s, or sometimes at Liam and Fi’s so Liam could try to assert his dominance at darts. Other nights, Kira would drive out to the cottage after a long day at the gallery and spend time with Brogan going over any new developments to the nature center. It was taxing work, this building of a new idea, and yet really fulfilling. Kira was as invested as Brogan was, and neither of them tired of discussing their visions for the future of O’Hallahan’s Oasis.

The framework had gone up just this week, much to Kira’s delight, and she had kept busy photographing the progress of

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