Wild Irish Sage (Mystic Cove #9) - Tricia O'Malley Page 0,37

how much I hate you?”

Chapter 15

By the end of the week, Kira had worked herself into a proper tizzy – though when Morgan mentioned said tizzy, Kira promptly put every effort into appearing cool and collected. Brogan had been in contact through text message and email only, all of which were completely professional and above-board, no matter how much Kira tried to read into them.

“He said he liked my recent otter post on Instagram. Do you think that means something?” Kira asked, scrolling through her phone.

“I’m going to take the phone away from you,” Fi said. She’d stopped by the gallery to bring Kira a coffee and have a chat. She’d recently finished up her latest book translation and had been brought up to speed on Kira and Brogan’s budding relationship.

“I’m being ridiculous, aren’t I?”

“Like a wee schoolgirl who giggles every time her crush walks past,” Fi agreed.

Kira narrowed her eyes at Fi and threatened to toss her coffee on her. “I didn’t want an honest answer.”

“What kind of friend would I be if I was lying to you then?”

“One who cares for my feelings.”

Stricken, Fi moved around the counter and wrapped an arm around Kira’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry, I am. Are you truly hurting? I thought you were just fussing a bit.”

“No.” Kira sighed and turned to give Fi a quick hug before stepping back. “It’s just that… he’s in my mind, you know? And I’m not used to being out of control, I suppose.”

“You’re not out of control. It’s just that this is how things work in relationships that move at a normal pace. It’s not something you and I are used to.”

“No, it’s not. Things are different when you’re on the road. Do you miss it then?”

“Long days of travel and many a lonely night on the road? Or finding lovers who mean nothing more to you than a fond memory of a dusty hotel in Morocco?”

“Yes, that,” Kira laughed.

“No, I don’t. Liam’s a large part of that, of course. He anchors me. Plus, we both enjoy traveling together, so we’re free to go when we please. But I think I realized I was ready to have a spot of my own again, so long as I knew that I wasn’t caged in, if you understand? I finally have a home, but I still know that if I told Liam I needed to go, he’d either figure out a way to go with me or he’d be fine with me traveling off on my own for a bit. I just don’t want to go without him.”

“You like it here then? You don’t feel… suffocated? Back home? I know Gracie is fine here, but she’s always been fine here. She didn’t have the wanderlust we did. She’ll die happy as can be in her cottage on the hills with her love.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad now, does it?”

“No, I suppose not. I just wonder if I could be satisfied staying here.”

“Is that what has you in a mood then? You’re thinking about staying here longer? Please say yes, please say yes!” Fi did a happy little bounce.

“Aye, it’s in the back of my mind, I won’t deny it. But I’m worried I’ll feel restless.”

“I think you’re more worried that you’d be giving up the name you’ve made for yourself.”

“There’s that as well. I have worked hard to build up my reputation – which would be lost here.”

“Now that’s just silly. You can live here and be selective about the assignments you take, is all. Sort of like… a VIP photographer. People have to get on a waiting list to have you.”

“I feel like I’ll end up taking schoolchildren’s portraits and photographing birthday parties if I stay here.”

“Nothing wrong with that either, is there?”

“No, you’re right. But could you imagine? I go from the wilds of Africa or being backstage at a sold-out concert to photographing little Susie smashing cake in her face.”

“When you put it that way… I do see where the one would be less appealing than the other. But aren’t there other ways to utilize your skills? You certainly have a diverse portfolio. And you’re sitting on a goldmine as it is.”

“How so?”

“Why aren’t you selling your prints? Here, in the galleries? Aislinn has asked you for years. People love your photography. Your work doesn’t have to be printed in a magazine article or on the cover of a new album for it to have value, you know.”

“Okay, sure and you’ve a point there. I haven’t given

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