Wild Embrace (Wilder Irish #11) - Mari Carr Page 0,34

they married, her desire for the big house, the brand-new car, the designer clothes, proved that money mattered quite a lot to her. It was the main thing they consistently fought over because her spending was frequently out of hand.

Now, he was beginning to see a lot of that was his fault, as well. He’d been raised by two workaholic parents, who proved their love not through affection or closeness but through financial security. He’d never thought—never wanted—to be like them, but when he looked back now, he wondered if Denise had spent so much money, and then sought out someone else, because he’d been so emotionally distant, his wallet open, but his heart…not so much.

“I thought we were, but…” Ryder shook his head. “Toward the end…no. We weren’t happy.”

“I always wondered.”

“Had a feeling about that too?” Ryder asked.

“What can I say? I’m deep.”

The two of them laughed, and Ryder realized this conversation had helped. He wasn’t feeling quite as stressed out.

“So…are you going to date Darcy?” Leo asked.

If he was a wise man, he’d walk into work tomorrow and tell Darcy they couldn’t be anything more than friends, but Ryder knew he’d never get the words out. The simple truth was, he wanted her. And, for some insane reason, she wanted him.

“I wish I knew,” he admitted. “Hey, do me a favor. Don’t mention this to Yvonne. Just in case I come to my senses.”

Leo pretended to lock his lips and toss away the key. “It’s in the vault. But I’ll warn you now, secrets don’t exist in the Collins family. So if you do decide to date her, don’t get too set on keeping the relationship quiet. Oh, and you might want to clear your social calendar. The Collins clan does the holidays right.”

“They do like to party, don’t they?”

Leo’s smile filled his face, making it clear he didn’t have a problem with Yvonne’s large, loud, rowdy family. “I don’t mean to put the cart before the horse, but I hope you decide to go out with her, Ryder. The more I think about it, the more I think Darcy’s perfect for you.”

Ryder couldn’t begin to figure out why Leo would think so, but before he could ask, Clint and Vince returned and the conversation ended.

He forced himself up and managed to accomplish about a quarter of the things on his Sunday to-do list. Throughout the day, he mentally compiled a pros and cons list in regards to Darcy.

The cons list was fairly substantial and included the boss situation, Clint, Darcy’s family, her beliefs about true love and romance, the age difference, and the fact he was bound and determined to remain single ’til death did he depart…alone.

The pros list was much less impressive. In fact, there was only one thing encouraging him to pursue her.

Darcy, herself.

Because the simple truth was…he was enthralled by her, attracted to her, drawn to her.

And no matter how many excuses—lame or otherwise—filled the cons side, he knew he wouldn’t—couldn’t—stay away.

Chapter Seven

Ryder swiveled away from his desk in his leather office chair so he could face the large windows that overlooked the city. His office door was open and Darcy’s voice drifted down the hall. She was talking with two of her colleagues just outside the conference room, following Helen’s weekly department meeting.

It was Friday again. And this week had been even more fucked up than the previous two. If things kept up like this, not only would his personal assistant, Phillip, quit, but Ryder would be fired.

The worst day had been yesterday when Helen asked Darcy to assist her in presenting the graphics they’d created for a corporate holiday party, and Ryder had missed a large chunk of what was said.

Instead, he’d been obsessing over Darcy’s perfume, wondering what the scent was and where she’d daubed it—her wrists, her neck? Then he’d imagined seeking that answer out, drawing his nose and lips over her bare skin until he found the spot where the smell was strongest and kissing her there.

Since then, he’d decided he was suffering from a midlife crisis, and he had actually spent the better part of his lunch hour today looking at sports cars. He’d be willing to indulge any cliché if it helped him find a way to get the pretty young woman currently laughing down the hall out of his head.

Unfortunately, he’d had to work at the office all week, rather than the stadium, and it seemed like every time he turned around, Darcy was there. Probably

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