Wild Embrace (Wilder Irish #11) - Mari Carr Page 0,13

their sex lives over the years. They were all close and there were very few—if any—secrets between them. As such, Darcy had acquired plenty of sex details to fuel her masturbation fantasies. “I want what Yvonne and Leo have in the bedroom. Apparently, Leo—”

Ryder raised one hand. “Please. I’d prefer not to know exactly what those two are doing in the room down the hall.”

“You can’t hear it?” she joked.

“Darcy,” he said, lacing his tone with a warning. “Maybe we should just leave this conversation here.”

Darcy had played it cool with Ryder for years, pushed her feelings for the man deep, deep down because the truth was, when they’d first met, his wife had just died and she had been too young for him. She’d only been twenty and not even able to legally drink.

But now…well…now she was older. And she was ready to open his eyes to that fact.

“No, I don’t want to leave it here.” Darcy took a deep breath. “What I want is something better than just sex or making love. I want raw, rough, earth-shattering, break-the-bed passion. I want to be held down, tied up, spanked, and fucked hard by a man who knows what he wants—and what he wants is me. Just me. However he can get me. And then I want soft, gentle, peaceful-as-a-boat-on-a-placid-lake sex. With kisses and sweet words. I want it all. With the man I love, who loves me back.”

“Jesus,” Ryder muttered under his breath, his eyes dark with something Darcy couldn’t recognize.

She grinned to herself, aware she’d finally done it.

Ryder was looking at her.

And for the first time ever…he was seeing her.

Chapter Three

Ryder lifted one of his legs, casually draping his arm over his knee. Not because it was a more comfortable position, but because he needed to hide the evidence of the impact Darcy’s words had on him.

His cock was on full alert, thick, rock hard. Something he was struggling to believe.

No woman had managed that feat since…

Ryder closed his eyes, refusing to think her name. Then he tried to will away his hard-on, to find a way to fight down this sudden and unexpected arousal. He counted to ten, then to twenty, then he started to recite the alphabet…in Greek.

Unfortunately, nothing worked.

“And that,” Darcy said after a few quiet moments, her voice light and breezy, as if she hadn’t just dropped a big fucking bomb in the middle of the elevator, “is my ideal date.”

“That’s…” Ryder cleared his throat, digging deep for a tone, for words that wouldn’t give away his current state. “That’s quite a date.”

Darcy laughed lightly. “Your turn to ask a question.”

Ryder shook his head. There wasn’t enough blood pumping to his brain to allow him to come up with a single question.

Instead, he was too busy imagining taking Darcy in all the ways she’d just described.

Darcy, for God’s sake.

There was no way he should even be entertaining the thought. She was certainly one of those women who dated with marriage in mind. Besides, she was too young for him, too bubbly and happy and sweet and…

Innocent was the next word that flashed in his mind…before he recalled her ideal date. Darcy obviously had a wild side, something he wouldn’t have foreseen. Not that he’d ever considered anything even remotely sexual in terms of Darcy.

“I can’t think of any more questions,” he admitted.

Darcy bit her lower lip as something he couldn’t recognize flashed across her face. For a second, he thought she looked almost scared. Was she afraid she’d gone too far? Revealed too much? After all, he was her boss.

“Darcy, I know we didn’t…nothing that’s said tonight leaves here. This is Vegas. You don’t have to worry—”

“Oh, I’m not worried about that,” she interjected before he could finish offering his reassurances that anything she’d said would impact her job. “I trust you completely.”

“Good,” he said, still curious about the fear he’d just seen. Darcy didn’t give him time to worry about it.

“Lucky for you,” she said with an adorable smile. “I still have plenty of questions to keep the game going.”

Adorable smile?

Since when did he notice Darcy’s smile? Or her bright, expressive blue eyes? Or her long, thick, wavy, dark hair that smelled like coconut?

Dammit. This wasn’t good.

He recalled the first time he’d met Darcy. It was right after Denise had died. He and Leo had been working on the memorial together and they’d needed to go to the funeral home. They’d wanted Yvonne to go with them to help them with the arrangements,

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