Wicked (Somerset University #2) - Ruby Vincent Page 0,62

We shared a pillow, fingers trailing each other’s bodies, legs tangled beneath the sheets, and breaths mingling while we talked about the little that happened in our time apart.

“I’m meeting with Kessler on Thursday. If it works out the way I want, she’ll let me organize the event and hand over the contacts for the alumni.”

“Why do you need it?”

“It’s just a guess that the disappearances have happened before. Ezra’s brother mentioned guys washing out of Nu Alpha Theta who dropped out of school altogether. I still say that’s an overreaction and there must be more to the story. Administration isn’t about to hand over a list of dropouts, but I can get a list from the other brothers and sisters who were in the house at the same time. They’ll tell me the names of the people who left and I will see if they ever turned up again.”

“That’s smart, baby. Really smart.”

I grinned. “Thank you. I thought so too.”

He kissed the tip of my nose. “What will you do if she says no? Organizing these events is her gig. She might say it’s not in your job description.”

“You know how persuasive I can be.”

“Also true. It’s a rare individual who can say no to you.”

I snuggled tighter—so happy to be in his arms I could bust. “What about you? You texted that close quarters was driving everyone crazy. Was it that bad?”

“I broke up a few fights, but no, it wasn’t that bad.” Jaxson rested his chin on my crown. “I love this, Val. Kicking back watching cities go by. Listening to the next hit track before it breaks the airwaves.”

“Being a part of something that will last long after we’re gone,” I murmured. “We still hear the voices of the legends who walked these streets. How many of us wished we could be there? Listen to Louis Armstrong live. Play jazz with the greats.”

“Damn, baby. Why do you get me so well?”

I smiled into his shoulder. “I believe that’s because I’m your soul mate, Jaxson Van Zandt. We understand each other inside and out.”

“Don’t fly out tomorrow, Val.” Sounded like the wild idea just occurred to him. “Ride back with me. Be a part of it too.”

“I can’t,” I said, though I wished I didn’t have to. “I have the meeting, remember.”

His sigh tickled my strands. “Right, of course. Next time.”

“Next time. If you’re allowed to bring your girlfriend along for the ride.”

“Mama, I own everything you see around us. I bring you wherever I want.”

“Oh?” I leaned back, cocking a brow at him. “Is that why you’re stuck as top bunk to the bassist?”

“Just have to rub that in, don’t you? I didn’t hear you complaining about my bunk. Matter of fact, those are your toeprints on the ceiling.”

“Oh no, I like the bunk. I was thinking we should break it in one more time.”

“Great i—”

The door banged open.

We froze, staring wide-eyed at each other.

“Yes, Mom. Huge stage. Brant says I should move around, interact with the audience, and pump the hype. Suddenly, I’m forgetting how to walk and sing at the same time.” Serena Blackwood laughed at her own joke. “I wish you could be here too. Watch me live, Mom, I’ll wave to you. Bye.”

I poked Jaxson, mouthing about our clothes.


“Jaxson,” said a dry voice that sounded quite close. “Valentina. I’m guessing you’re both in there since your clothes are all over the place.”

“Something I can do for you, Serena?” asked Jaxson.

“I’m done checking out the stage and other bands. The guys called from the square. They’re heading to the restaurant if you still want to join us.”

Jaxson glanced at me.

I rubbed my stomach, pulling a face. I was hungry.

“Sure,” he said. “We’ll catch up to you.”

“Why? Brant’s calling a cab. We’ll wait for you to get dressed and go together.”

Another glance at me and I nodded.

“Give us ten minutes.”

We heard the click and roused ourselves, climbing out and picking our clothes up off the floor, booth, and stove.

Serena and Brant waited at the entrance to the festival, standing by an idling cab. We hopped in and rode through the twisty, historic streets for a trendy restaurant sandwiched between a bookstore and a hostel.

The host greeted us like old friends, praising my shirt and taste in music. They led us to the table in the back with the others.

“How’d the sightseeing go?” I asked the guys.

Rylan held up two bags of souvenirs. “My girlfriend is going to love these. She’s always wanted to visit

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