Wicked (Somerset University #2) - Ruby Vincent Page 0,40

brought up crushing Daniel Meyer’s hopes that I’ll fail, she’ll have hit expert.

“Serena,” Rylan said. “Ease up. The guy’s got a girlfriend and a kid. An actual five-year-old which we’re not. Jaxson doesn’t need to hold our hand through everything.”

“He’s not holding our hand,” she snapped. “He’s doing his job. Jaxson knows us. He knows our songs, our style, and our sound. We can’t work with anyone else. It’s Jaxson or no one at all.”

Serena handed down her ruling like a deity commanding her mortals. Folding her arms, she narrowed her eyes on me, daring me to contradict her.

“We’re equal partners. Me and Gwen.” I gripped her shoulder. “I’d never leave her with all the work or dump you guys. I’ve got your backs, you know that. But if we’re going to pull in more talent on your level, I’ve got to hit the streets.” I laughed. “I’ll be stuck under a pile of demos today and then hitting Crystal Pub tonight. Hit Gwen up if you need anything, or get at me tomorrow.” I headed for the door.

“Jaxson, we have to practice interviewing today,” Serena shouted at my back. “We were a hot mess yesterday.”

“You did great,” I replied without slowing down. “Although practicing couldn’t hurt. We’ll do that tomorrow after lunch.”

“We can’t do it tomorrow! Listen to the demos tomorrow. We have to practice now.”

“Then Gwen’s got you.”

I slipped out, shutting the door on her demands for me to come back. I felt bad for leaving Gwen to deal with the aftermath, but if I kept giving in to Serena, I’d be her bitch until I died.

I made it around the corner and halfway down the hall before I noticed footsteps coming up on me fast. Twisting around, my eyes bugged.

Serena stomped through Artist Alley, steam pouring out of her ears or just about. “Jaxson!” She snagged my arm, pulling me up short.

“Holy shit, Serena. Just practice with Gwen.” It was an effort not to shout.

“I’m not doing shit with that bitch. Levi said we’re your responsibility, so fucking act like it! It makes no sense wasting time on bands you’ll never sign and pushing your biggest talent to the side.”

I stepped out of her grasp. “You took the old man too literally.”

“No, I didn’t,” she growled. “I only agreed to sign with you because Bianca said you would manage us. This isn’t just a job to you. Your priority is ensuring Interstellar Records succeeds which means you’ll push us until we do. Beyond Berlin is my life. I’ve killed myself for years to get here and I won’t settle for less than the best.” Serena got in my face. “I deal with you and only you. If you think I’m playing, try me. I haven’t even begun to show you difficult.”

Shit. I’m straight up being threatened.

I studied her, my promise to Val floating in my head. “I hear you on wanting the best,” I finally said. “You’re wrong if you think Gwen doesn’t want the same for you. She is as committed to Interstellar as me, Bianca, my dad, and everyone else here. There’s nothing to be gained by holding Beyond Berlin back and this department knows that as well as I do.

“But if you want to work with me”—I swallowed the scant distance, flickering surprise on her face—“listen up, or you’ll be shocked how often I ‘lose your number’ or ‘don’t get your texts.’ When I drive out of the parking lot, you don’t call me short of someone lighting you and the guys on fire.

“Second, don’t ever dog me out in my own fucking building again. You’re forgetting who is gonna be running this place, Serena. I don’t have anything left to prove to the old man. Interstellar Records is mine and your contract will be mine. Think about that the next time you disrespect me.”

Serena’s pink glittering lips trembled even as her glare shot acid. She could suck it the hell up. Being with Valentina smoothed out most of my rough edges, but my picture still sat next to Rich Prick in the dictionary.

“And last...” I got even closer, bending her neck back. “I found a thong in my back seat yesterday. Did you put it there?”

Her face crumpled in a frown. “A thong? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Serena,” I hissed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she snapped. “I didn’t leave a fucking thong in your car. What the hell do I look like?”

I studied every line of her face. If

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