Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,50

dude swinging a fake ax at us that made Daniela jump into me. He was pretty damn realistic-looking so I didn’t blame her. I held her tight and led her away from him.

By the time we reached the end of the haunted house, I was surprised to see an hour had passed. Between the kitchen that was covered in “blood” and “dead bodies”, to the back door swinging back and forth in the fake wind, we had had enough. We followed the exit signs back to the parking lot, and by the time we reached our vehicles, we were both laughing hysterically at the time we’d had.

“I’m so glad you made me go in there. What a rush!” Daniela cried out.

I chuckled and couldn’t stop the smile that came to my face. How was my dream girl a damn vampire? “I’m glad you’re not mad at me for forcing you.”

“Forcing? No way. I went in on my own. And I’m glad I did.” She leaned up on tiptoe and planted a kiss on my lips.

Could this night go any more perfectly?

I picked her up and swung her around, accepting the kiss and deepening it. After I set her back down, I swiped a stray hair behind her ear and then yanked gently on her ponytail. “What do you want to do next, beautiful?”

Her smile dropped and her eyebrows hit her hairline. “You… you think I’m beautiful?”

That surprised me for some reason. “Of course, I do. From the first moment I laid eyes on you in Bash.” I traced my finger over her cheek and down to her mouth. “Those lips, those eyes… I was mesmerized. Hooked. You had me, girl.”

The look of disbelief was still plastered on her gorgeous face. She sucked in a deep breath then said, “Wow. Okay. Not sure what to do with that… but, thank you.”

My brow furrowed. “It was a compliment, Dani. I hope you know that.”

She nodded slightly. “I know. I just… I just… don’t know how to take compliments, I guess. They’re new to me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but you shouldn’t be. You’re gorgeous and funny, and I really like spending time with you,” I replied sincerely.

“Thank you, Judson.”

Her coquettish charm was disarming me. I didn’t expect this out of her. She seemed fierce, tough, and had a take-no-shit attitude. The vulnerability she displayed now seemed so contrary to the woman—the vampire—I’d met a couple of nights ago.

Sure, we’d already slept together, which was awesome, but I had been surprised she’d been down for it. What had surprised me more was that she hadn’t tried to bite me while we were fucking. I thought, from everything I’d read, that they liked to feed and fuck at the same time. I didn’t think they could do one without the other. That went to show the amount of self-control this woman had.

“Let’s go get a drink. You down?” I asked.

“Definitely down.”

“You choose the place,” I said and then studied her reaction.

She grinned. “You got it. Follow me.”

I leaned down and dropped a kiss on her nose before helping her into her SUV. After hopping on my bike, I followed her to the busy nightlife downtown.

“Moon Chasers?” I asked as we walked into the bar. The place was sort of set back from the street and dark inside. There were groups of people huddled into corner tables. The place was pretty rustic with wood beams on the ceiling and just one bar that stretched the back of the establishment. No real dancefloor, just a mingling type of environment. Daniela held my hand and led me to the bar.

“What will you have?” the bartender asked, an average-looking Joe with gage piercings in his ears and a pointed stud through his lip. As I looked closer, I could see silver glinting in his eyes. Trying to keep my cool, I ordered a draft beer then chanced a glance around the rest of the bar. Vampires every-fucking-where. One table was mixed with vampires and humans, and a blonde woman who was neither. She threw me a glare before going back to her conversation with her tablemates. Something about her wasn’t human but she definitely wasn’t a vampire. I was sure Daniela had brought me to some supernatural hangout.

And I was definitely game to stay. I couldn’t get enough with studying their behaviors.

After the bartender slid us our drinks, I tried to give him my credit card, but he held a hand up stating it had already been taking

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