Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,47

As he landed on his back, he pulled me close to him, causing me to curl into his side, like we fit perfectly that way.

“That was fucking amazing,” he breathed quietly before kissing the top of my head.

Who was this guy? I thought I’d be bolting out the door when we were done—with or without killing him first—but that was so far removed now. All I wanted was to lie in his strong, warm arms and stay there forever.

It was then I knew I had a huge problem. One that would require me to change my entire existence. Not that I hadn’t been used to changes, but this one was going to rock my world far more than my change from human to vampire had ever done.



Oh. My. God.

What have I done?

I’d gone and fell in love with a fucking human.

Love? What? No. Just no.

I only was able to stay an hour, as sunrise was coming. As I drove back to the townhouse, I pulled up the rest of the videos Jonas had sent me and watched them at each stoplight. Judson had followed those vamps out… but there was no evidence he’d killed them. So… what was this all for?

I needed to get to the bottom of this. There was no way I was falling for the very subject I was hired—paid very good money—to kill! That was literal suicide. If Ringo found out I’d slept with this guy and not killed him a la black widow style, I’d be dead meat. Done. Dead. Gonzo. Finito.

But I wasn’t going to kill him until I had hard proof Judson was killing random vampires. I realized that I didn’t have time to get into a full-blown relationship with this guy if I was planning on killing him. I may have to come clean about what I was and then talk to him to see what was going through his mind. Why he was killing them. Yeah, we knew his sister had been killed by one, but why wipe out the whole vampire population because of it? And was it him doing the killing in the first place?

I had a lot to think on, but first, sleep. I could see the first tiny bit of light begin to creep over the eastern horizon. I stepped on the gas and headed toward home and my bed.

I woke up and looked at my watch. It was 5:30 p.m., but it was also October 27. I had four days to shit or get off the pot here. Either kill Judson and get paid, or don’t kill him and not only be ass-out five grand, I’d also have a lot of splainin’ to do. After a shower, I made some coffee and sat at the table in the kitchen. I knew Angie would be home from work soon, so I used the quiet time to watch the videos again.

They were all relatively the same. Judson, mostly disguised in a hoodie or some kind of goth makeup and black clothes, sits at a bar, nurses a drink, and then watches the vampire for a few minutes. Once the vampire leaves, he follows him out. That was it. No actual video evidence of any murders. Yet, these vamps had been killed. Admittedly, it did look very suspicious and kind of a no-brainer, so I could see why Ringo put a hit out on him.

That got me wondering—which vampire actually killed Audrey? I got up and went to my bedroom to retrieve the folder Jonas had given me. I’d already read it but wanted to look again at some things.

I pulled out the police report and read aloud to myself. “The victim’s brother stated a dirty-looking, young, blond man jumped out at them outside the back of Club Bash and was hissing at them with sharpened teeth and wild eyes. When Audrey Smith ran, the subject gave chase and then Judson Smith followed after them. He found his sister dead in the alley and Officer McElroy of the Denver PD was nearby and heard his screams for help. The victim was found to have several teeth marks and gashes along her neck, and her carotid artery had been torn open. The cause of death was Exsanguination.”

I looked at the crime scene photos. Gross. Whoever or whatever did this was not in its right mind. It’s very easy to feed and leave the victim not only alive, but healthy and without any memory of their little donation.

Speaking of… it had

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