Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,42

my bottom lip and shook my head. “I don’t know, boss. Honestly, he doesn’t even seem like he has it in him. We sure it’s him? And if so, why didn’t someone just off him when they caught him doing it?”

“No one did. Security cameras, no live witnesses. Now, that’s all I’m going to say. This fucker needs to be dead by the end of the week—or else.”

I nodded. I didn’t need to ask or else what… I knew I’d be the one headless if Judson didn’t die.

“Am I dismissed, your liege?” I asked, batting my eyelashes.

He shook his head and raked his gaze down my face and to my cleavage. “If you weren’t so goddamn fine, I’d kill you right now.”

I left his office to contemplate what I was going to do. I got into my SUV and headed toward Bash. I looked at all the local businesses decorated for fall and the lampposts with their Halloween-themed city signs.

Despite Ringo’s insinuation, I had never slept with any of my targets. I hadn’t wanted to. They had just been jobs—dirtbags who’d had it coming. There was something about Judson that didn’t scream dirtbag, though. Was my physical attraction to him clouding my judgment? After all, I really did want to sleep with the guy, but knew I shouldn’t. What I did want to know was why he killed the vampires who were pretty much innocent. They hadn’t murdered his sister or else he would have stopped after offing the killer. Perhaps I should try to find this person myself, bring him to Judson, then let him do the killing. Then maybe he’d stop.

But first, I needed to see something. “Call Jonas,” I demanded of the car.

“Calling Jonas,” the robotic female voice replied. I saw Jonas’s number pop up on the dash screen.


“Hey, can you send me all the video surveillance you have of Judson Creed killing vampires?”


Longer Pause.

I glanced at the screen. Still connected. “Jonas?”

“Uh, well, Dani, I’d have to run it by the boss first.”

I sighed. “Fine. Tell him I need to see how he’s doing it so I can get him by surprise.”

“Okay, that will work. If he approves it, you’ll have a link to them in your email by the end of the night.”

“You’re a gem, Jonie!”

He groaned. “Don’t call me that. Bye.”

I laughed as the call ended and I reached Bash. I had to circle the block a couple of times, but I did eventually find a parking spot. I armed the SUV’s security system and went inside.

A large, bald man with biceps like melons put his arm out. “Sorry, we’re not open yet.”

I stared deep into his brown eyes and said, “I know, sugar. But I’m here to help the band. Remember your boss told you Dani would be coming by?”

He blinked a few times and nodded. “Yes, my apologies, ma’am. Go right on in.” His arm extended out in a flourish toward the door.

“Thank you kindly.” I winked at him and wandered inside.

The band was warming up, so I went to the bar and ordered a club soda, grateful the bartender hadn’t given me the same hassle as the doorman. Guess he figured the bouncer let me in so I must be good. I didn’t want to have to bamboozle that guy, too. It was kinda draining and I was still new at it. I honestly did not like having to do it at all. It felt wrong and icky.

It took a few minutes, but Judson eventually noticed me and gave me a warm smile that made me feel kinda gooey inside.

I didn’t like that.

He was supposed to make me feel murdery. Not gooey, dammit.

I returned the smile but went back to my resting bitch face. I took a look around the club and there weren’t any people, just a couple of servers and stagehands setting up speakers and such. The tawdry Halloween décor was still in place and I looked at Dracula and smiled, remembering Judson say he knew vampires were real. Kinda dumb to be honest, but I figured he probably knew nobody would believe him. Still, strange thing to say to someone you just met.

After about an hour, the place quickly became packed, and I decided to stay by the bar, watch the band, and observe the crowd. It was the same as last night. Groupies. Drunks. College kids. Some, all of the above.

Once the band was done, I stayed perched on my stool and waited for Judson to come to

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