Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,39

placed a hand up to cup my cheek. With a gentle brush of lips on lips, my body involuntarily arched into his. When he applied more firm pressure to my mouth, I opened up to allow his tongue to sweep in with gentle strokes.

I was immediately aroused at the way he was kissing me, my panties becoming damp with the simple gesture of a kiss. My nipples pebbled and I moaned into his mouth. Unfortunately, my fangs began to descend—the other involuntary bodily function I couldn’t control.


I broke the kiss and smiled up at him with closed lips.

Retract, stupid eyeteeth!

“You’re very, very hot, Dani,” he whispered, staring into my eyes.

I simply nodded, knowing my fangs weren’t all the way retracted yet. I leaned my head onto his chest to avoid showing my face at all, and was quickly rewarded in a firm, warm hug. It relaxed me like nothing else and I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt my teeth were back to human-looking.

Gently pulling away, I looked up and said, “I really do have to go. Thank you for the kiss and the hug.”

God, I was so awkward!

He chuckled. “No, thank you, beautiful.” Then he dropped a kiss on my nose and opened the driver’s side door.

I threw my clutch onto the passenger seat and then slid into the driver’s seat and smiled up at him. “Thanks.”

“I hope I can see you again. Can I get your number?”

Oh, shit. What do I do? I actually wanted to see this guy again. Target or not target, he was hot and I could use a little sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll in my life. And by drugs, I meant blood.

Fuck it.

“Sure. Gimme your phone.”

He slid it from his back pocket and handed it to me. I quickly sent myself a text and handed it back to him.

He grinned at the text I’d sent him, which read “Dani the Groupie”, and re-pocketed the phone. “Are you really a groupie?” he asked.

I pushed the button to start the car and shook my head. “Absolutely not.”

Laughing, he said, “Have a good night.” Then, he closed my door and I drove off with a stupid-ass smile on my face.



Dammit. That was not supposed to happen.

Vampires were evil, soulless creatures that needed to die. Not hot brunettes with long legs, nice tits, and serious self-control.

I opened the door to my apartment and then closed and locked it. Eyeing the flask of holy water I kept on the small table next to the front door, I was glad I hadn’t needed to use it on Daniela.

Truth was, I knew she was a vamp from the first time I’d caught her practically eye-fucking me in the crowd at the club while I’d been onstage. I had always wondered if they knew their eyes reflected silver in fluorescent lights. I mean, they’d usually been alive so long, one would think they’d know these things and stay out of clubs. Or maybe they did know but didn’t pay it any mind. After all, if a human were to say anything, they could just play it off as a trick of lighting.

Or just use that fucking vampire hypnotism on them.

I tried hard not to think about the night I first learned about vampires, but unfortunately, it was never avoidable.

Six months ago, Audrey and I were coming out of Bash. With my arm around her slender shoulders, I was on a high better than any cocaine I could have ever snorted. It was Innubis’s first night onstage and we absolutely killed it. The crowd loved us, and we were taking photos and signing autographs well past two a.m. Audrey had always been my number-one supporter when it came to being in a band, and the smile she’d beamed from ear-to-ear before, during, and after our set had made me feel so proud. As my twin, we didn’t always see eye-to-eye, but she did support me in everything I did.

All of that ended after we left Bash and were heading toward my bike. I was going to take her home before going back to my apartment to try to get some sleep.

“I am so happy for you, Jud. I always knew you’d be successful”—she played air-guitar—“but to hear you and see you perform in front of hundreds has totally made my night. My month. My year! I’ll never forget tonight. You’re gonna be famous. I just know it.”

“Thanks, sis. I’m just so stoked Adam took a chance on us. He could have

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