Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,241

although my parents were stronger in other ways. They had the element of surprise and the ability to teleport to snatch their prey before magic could be used on them. They also had experience and age on their side.

Mom and Dad brought them to a deserted area of town they had passed earlier in the day. Anderson decided, since his chance of getting more power was ruined, that he wanted my parents to gift them their powers. That didn’t go over too well. No one demands anything of my family, and they certainly weren’t able to buy their way in. My family has more money than they could spend and houses all over the world.

One rejection after another happened until Anlyn turned to my dad and offered her body in exchange for powers. My dad, who is very loyal to my mom, turned her down immediately. Then my mom went on an insulting spree because there was no way my dad would ever desire anyone as much as her. Obviously, these two fae weren’t familiar enough with the mate bond or they just didn’t care.

A fight ensued. One where Anlyn tried to use her magic on my mom. Anderson then charged my dad and was able to get the jump on him. He had my dad’s head in a magical band, which is capable of severing someone’s head from their body with a simple flick of their finger. Mom didn’t like this one bit.

My mom’s vision went red when her mate’s life was on the line. She snapped once to teleport behind Anderson, grabbed his wrists, and tore his arms right off his body. But she didn’t stop there. She dug her nails into his neck until they were wrapped around his spine—the only thing keeping his head attached to his body as blood poured from him. She told Anlyn to release the band from my dad's neck and she’d let the male live.

She lied.

As soon as the band was gone, she finished the job and killed Anderson. No one messes with the Verascues. But Mom had a moment of charity and let Anlyn live. She saw into her mind and noticed Anlyn had a family of her own. A human mother who was sick and didn’t want her life extended by being bit by a vampire. She was tired and wanted to move on to see her fae male, who was killed years prior. So my mom let Anlyn live with a stern warning never to come near any of us again.

That was twenty years ago. And look where we are.

“Anlyn, I let you live once,” my mom begins. “The chances of that happening again are zero. You dare take my sons? You harm others in the pack?” Mom begins a slow walk around the female. “How did you think this was going to end for you? I’m still more powerful. I proved to you before that your magic isn’t a match for me.”

“I have vampire gifted abilities now.”

Mom quirks an eyebrow. “And? Is that supposed to be some sort of threat? Am I supposed to be intimidated? By the way, the one who gifted you those sealed his death. My mate is already on his way to kill him.”

Anlyn shrugs. “Don’t care. You’re who I want. You’re who I need to kill.”

“Last chance,” my mom warns. I laugh quietly. There’s no last chance. This female already got one. Mom’s just toying with her now.

Anlyn raises her hands and begins to call upon her magic. She’s about to direct it at my mom when Kylest steps into the room and puts a stop to that. He doesn’t say a word, simply halts the attack so my mom can walk right up to her and peer into her eyes.

Vampires are one of the strongest paranormals out there, however, even we have a hard time battling magic. Bringing Ky along was the right move.

Mom lifts her hand and reaches into Anlyn’s chest, through her bones, until she grips her heart. Anlyn’s eyes widen as she tries to hold on to my mom for support. Her nails rake over my mom’s skin, leaving red slashes, which quickly heal.

With a jerk of her wrist, my mom pulls the heart from Anlyn’s chest. We watch as the female’s mouth opens and closes a few times before she drops to the floor, gaping like a fish as her life leaves her body.



Figures. I missed the heart being ripped out. Some Halloween this turned out to

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