Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,147

she mocking me?

I remembered my stepmother, laughing when she caught me in the bathroom when I was twelve. I’d been pleasuring myself while looking through a Victoria’s Secret catalog.

“Patrick, what are you doing? Do you have a stiffy?”

She’d humiliated me, even joking about it to her friends while they played Rummy that afternoon. I still hated her for the way she’d treated me, especially when my father had been away.

The bitch had made me feel like a fool.

Well, nobody laughs at me anymore.




“No. Of course not. I actually think it’s cute.”

He relaxed.

Thank goodness.

The last thing I needed was for him to have one of his off-the-wall tantrums. It had been a couple of days since the last one, and they were scary. Something stupid would set Patrick off and he’d start throwing stuff, sometimes even screaming obscenities. The guy was crazier than I’d first imagined. He was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

“Anyway, you should head out to work so you can get back here and we can celebrate,” I suggested, wanting him to get the hell out of the house so that I could mentally prepare for what was to come.

“Good idea.” He leaned over and kissed me again quickly. “Goodbye, my love.”

Trying not to show my revulsion, I forced another smile to my face. “See you soon.”

He turned to leave but I touched his shoulder. “Wait, did you ever get that small mirror I asked for?” I smiled shyly. “You know, so I can make sure my lady-bits are cleanly shaven.”

Patrick looked like he was about to climax right then and there, hearing me talk about lady-bits.


“Oh, yeah. I almost forgot all about it. I’ll go and grab it for you.”

“Thank you.”

He raced upstairs and returned shortly with a small, round mirror. “One size is even magnified, so you can really see what you’re doing.”

I took it from him. “Thank you.”

He grinned wickedly. “You sure you don’t want some help?”

Not even if Hell froze over.

I shuddered at the thought of him touching me intimately. I hated the bastard with every fiber of my being. Kissing him had taken so much effort on my part. All I’d thought about was how he’d murdered the man I loved and wanting to return the favor.

I took a step back. “I appreciate the offer but I want to be perfect when we’re together tonight.”

His eyes roved over my body. “You already are. But, I get it.”

I relaxed.

“Be careful with the razor,” he said, his eyes burning into mine.

“I told you before, I’m not suicidal.” It hadn’t taken much for Patrick to allow me a razor. When the hair on my legs started to grow, it had disgusted him. He hated bodily hair on women.

“I know. I just… be careful. I wouldn’t want you hurting yourself.”

“It’s a lady’s disposable razor. I’ll be fine.”

He smiled. “True. Have a good day, sweet Sophia.” He swore. “I forgot to make you a sandwich for later and I’m running late. No worries though, I’ll stop back here around noon and drop off something for you to eat.”

“Thank you.”

“Anything for you.” He turned to leave.

“Wait. Don’t forget to lock the door,” I said, thinking he was probably testing me again. At least once a week he’d “forget” to lock it. The first time I’d raced up the stairs, only to find him waiting for me. Now I knew better. Gaining his trust was everything right now. “Not that I’d try and leave. You were right, Patrick. We are meant to be together. I see that now.”

His face lit up with emotion. “I knew you’d come around.”

I slipped my hand through the bars, reaching out for his. “If you thought you loved me before, wait until tonight. I’m going to take your breath away.”

He placed my hand against his cheek and let out a soft groan. “I can’t wait.”

Nor could I.



I returned around lunchtime with a sandwich from Subway. I was delighted to see that she had already started preparing herself for our evening together. I’d purchased a sexy red dress for her about a week ago, which cradled her like a glove. Her hair was up in a loose, sexy bun and she had on some of the makeup I’d also gotten her. She looked like a movie star.

I stared at her seductive, ruby-red lips and felt myself begin to stir again. “You look breathtaking, my dear.”

“Thank you.”

“So, how did your other preparations go? Everything turn out the way you wanted?” I asked, lowering my eyes to her

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