Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,144

escaping him later.

I took a deep breath. “Let her out and I’ll go with you.”

He looked unsure.

“I just want her safe and then we… we can be together, if that’s what you really want.”

Patrick thought about it for a little while and then nodded. “Fine. First, put down the ax.”

“After you let her out. There’s no other way.”

He studied my face and then relented. “Fine.”

We walked out of the shed and back over to Marcy’s vehicle. Watching me carefully, he pulled out the key fob and opened the trunk.

Marcy climbed out, her eyes swollen from crying and her dark hair disheveled and sticking up everywhere. Her face was streaked with mascara and she had on her Halloween costume—a Playboy Bunny outfit I’d helped her pick out. Our eyes locked and I could tell what she wanted—for me to act. Before I could even consider my next move, Patrick grabbed her and held the gun against Marcy’s cheek. “She’s out. Now, put the ax down or she’s dead.”

Not wanting to risk her life, I did what he asked.

He nodded toward the ax. “Move away from it.”

I took a few steps back.

He motioned to the trunk. “Get inside.”

I looked at him in surprise. “Me?”

“Yeah.” He cocked the gun. “Now.”

Marcy and I looked at each other.

“Don’t do it,” she begged. “Don’t trust him.”

“If she doesn’t, you’re both dead,” he growled. “Sophia, I’ll give you to the count of three. One…”

I had no other choice. He’d already killed John. He’d probably also killed the other woman he’d stalked, Leah.

He clenched his jaw. “Two…”

“Fine.” I started climbing into the trunk.

Panicking, Marcy broke free from Patrick’s hold, reached for my arm, and tried pulling me out. “Don’t do this. You know he’s a killer. You’ll never get out of this alive.”

“If I don’t, we’re both dead. At least he’s giving us a chance.”

“You can’t trust him. Why would he let either of us go?

Patrick jerked her away from the car. “Shut up, bitch. You’ve already caused enough trouble.”

I watched in horror as he raised the revolver and hit her in the head with it.

“No!” I screamed as she collapsed to the ground. I tried getting out of the trunk, but he shoved me back inside and slammed it shut. “You asshole! You didn’t have to hurt her!”

“Paybacks are a bitch.” He slapped the trunk and let out a celebratory whooping sound. “It’s just you and me now, Sophia, and… the world is ours.”

“Fuck you.”

“Yeah. That too.” He chuckled. “In time.”



I heard him get into the car and start the engine. A few seconds later, we were headed down the dirt road and I could feel every bump. Groaning, I closed my eyes and started plotting an escape plan. All I had to do was get him to trust me.

Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes. I heard him get out of the car and then the sounds of two men arguing.


I screamed his name. “I’m in the trunk!”

“Get the fuck away from the car or I’ll shoot you,” Patrick growled.

“Calm down and put the gun down before someone gets hurt,” Mitch replied.

“Fuck it. I don’t have time for this bullshit.”

I heard the gun go off. Horrified, I cried out.

Had he killed him?

“Next time you’ll be at the other end of the bullet. Not your tire,” Patrick snapped.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

“You killed a cop and they won’t stop looking for you. Look, if you let her go, you might still make it out of Summit Lake in one piece. Kidnapping her is going to make things ten times worse.”

He snorted. “Sorry, chump. She’s mine now and I’m not ever letting her go. Now get the fuck away from the car before I put a bullet in your head.”


“You know, the only reason why I haven’t killed you is because I want you to know what if feels like to lose her. Like I did.”

“You never had her.”

“Because you never gave me a chance, Mr. Big Shot. But soon she’ll realize that we are meant to be together. See, we’re soulmates. You… you were just a distraction.”

“Fine. You’re soulmates. But I can tell you that if you kidnap her, she’ll never trust or love you. That’s definitely not going to win her over.”

“She’ll forgive me. In time. Now back the fuck off!”


I heard the car door opening, then some swearing, followed by a scuffle.

“Stop fighting!” I called out, deathly afraid of Mitch getting shot. I then heard the sound of the gun going off again and my

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