Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,109

of it. She takes her mouth hard, in a kiss so passionate, it dizzies me, while grinding her sex against her partner’s. There’s no doubt they’re about to climax.

“Do you wish to join?”

God, yes, I do. I want to suck on her nipples. Grind against her warm, wet pussy. Lose myself in the embrace of the unknown. I’ve never been or thought about being with a woman, but right now, there’s nothing I want more.

“You would look beautiful on that stage.” He continues to romance me with his words, adding gasoline to the already burning fire.

“I…it’s just so…”

“Erotic, sensual, tempting?”

“Yes,” I moan, the sensuality of his voice bringing me closer to my own climax.

Two hands rest on my shoulders, and I pray for him to throw me to the ground and fuck the shit out of me.

“That’s enough.”

He pulls me from my chair, my eyes fighting to break free of the scene on the stage. His hand secures around mine, and he guides me away.

“Why…why are we leaving?”

“Because I told you I would be a gentleman. And you said you’re not that kind of girl. Therefore, I won’t allow you to withstand any more torture.”

That bastard. There’s laughter in his tone. I could seriously kick his ass. He’s the one telling me to find my inner hussy. What the hell? We don’t stop until we’re back in the dark alley, the vibrance of the night’s festivities coming back to life.

I rip my mask off my face. “You’re really confusing, you know that?”

“Oh, how is that?” he asks with a damn smirk I want to kiss off.

“You just preached in there about how New Orleans is a place for sex and desire and the unknown, blah, blah, blah. But when something starts to intrigue me, you abort ship!”

His eyes flicker. I swear there’s fire brewing behind the mysterious silver. “So, you admit there was something you liked?”

“No. Yeah. I mean no. Maybe! You’re confusing me.”

He takes a step toward me, his chest flush against mine. “I’m just trying to help you.”

“How so?” Prove that blue balls exist for females?

His fingers lift to my face and brush against my cheek. He leans forward, his mouth so close, his breath cool against my lips. “You’re not ready.”

Pffft! “Yes, I am!” For what, I’m not exactly sure.

“You’re not. Let’s go.” He extends his hand, asking permission to take mine. I’m hesitant, too busy being a brat, but give in and slide my fingers through his.

“Fine, where to now?”

“Tell you and take away the element of surprise? Never.” He walks us through the alley, and we pop out into insanity. Hordes of people in costumes, laughing, drinking, dancing, flood the streets. Macareus ignores the madness as he weaves us through the crowd before we detour down another hidden alley. Darkness strikes us once again until we pop out into a beautiful, secluded courtyard. The mood around us shifts. Gone is the craziness of the festival, leaving our surroundings more intimate. An overhanging canopy of lush greenery sets the scene, lit up by hanging lights. Tables litter the small area, covered in candles and table settings. Each table is at capacity, people eating and drinking. Not a single one pulls their attention from their table to acknowledge us.

“Just through here,” he says, entering a historic mansion. We climb the stairs to the roof.

The view is breathtaking, overlooking the city streets, the lingering of faint music and dancing bodies below whispering on the soft breeze. “It’s amazing,” I comment, admiring the beauty of this city, the history behind it. “I wish we were here longer. I’d love to truly get to see what New Orleans is about.”

“Then do it. What’s stopping you?”

Life. Me. Everything. “It’s just not my time.”

“It is. Only you are in the way of your destiny.”

That earns him an eyeroll. “What does that even mean?”

His palms skate along my hips, and I squeal when he whips me around, hanging my body over the ledge. “Macareus!” A hand reaches inside my back pocket. Stretching around for me to see, he reveals a tarot card. “How did that—?”

“Nine of pentacles, mon cherie. My naive little bird is trapped by something or someone and is too timid to free herself and fly away. What traps you, love?”

My heart hammers inside my chest. The animated street below is alive with people moving and swaying to the music. Even from so high above, I can smell the promiscuity in the air. Feel it in my bones. Women revealing their

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