Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,104

I was inside. And…I was in there a while and don’t know where she went.” She’s probably super pissed. How the hell was I in there so long?

“Ahhh…she went to venture into the festival of the dead alone. Sounds as if your friend is looking for her own mystére.”

I wouldn’t put it past Trudy to have already found someone to keep her company.

“Yeah, that does sound like my friend. But we’re actually here for me.” I pull my phone out of my pocket, seeing I have a text from her.

Trudy: Sorry I left. Met my future husband while waiting for your ass. Hopefully the voodoo lady spelled you up a hot guy! Meet you back at the room later. Muah!

I sigh.

So much for girls’ weekend. I reply, telling her to have fun and I’ll see her later.

“Am I correct?”

I peer up at my hot French hero. His hair, thick and as dark as the night, causes my fingers to tingle, curious how soft it would feel if I thrust my fingers through it, gave it a good tug— Okay, so maybe the drugs are still inside me.

“Yeah, something like that,” I reply, shaking off the tingles shooting down my spine. Why the hell is my body having such a strange reaction to this man? As if I’ve never come into contact with a good-looking guy before. Maybe it’s because he’s stunning, breathtaking, panty-dropping hot. God, he is hot. Those lips. Those eyes. Every inch of solid muscle, down to the one in his pants. Gah!

I force myself to take another step back.

“It is settled.” His lips curl into a thoughtful smile. “You shall let me escort you around. ’Tis not safe for such a belle femme at night. The wicked will feed off your flawlessness. You’ll be in better hands with me.”

Shock registers across my face. “You want me?” Okay, maybe he’s the one on drugs. “Yeah, sure. Probably to drug me and steal my organs. Sorry, no thanks.” I laugh at myself. “Especially not with a stranger.”

His hand cups his chest. “It wounds me you consider me a stranger. Falling into my arms, fate would consider us meeting like this destiny.”

“Yeah and crazy. Because I don’t even know you…”

I don’t even see him move. It’s as if the universe tilts and he just slides closer to me, leaving a mere hairsbreadth between us. “Let’s change that.” He sticks his hand out. “Macareus.”

Can his name sound any sexier? Add the French purr, and my panties threaten to melt off. I’m so lost in the way his name alone gets me worked up, I forget he’s waiting for me to return the gesture.

“Sorry. Katie.” We shake hands, and there’s familiarity, as if this isn’t the first time we’re meeting. There’s no doubt he feels it too.

His smoldering eyes have yet to leave mine. “There. No longer strangers. Come spend the night with me.”

My eyes bug out, and I rip my hand away. “Whoa, I’m not like that—”

“Not my bed, mon cherie.” He smirks at my misunderstanding. “Tonight—the festival. Let me be your tour guide and show you what New Orleans is all about. By nights end, this town will be anything but unfamiliar, and we will be anything but strangers.”

I stare at him, waiting for him to fold—hope I decline so he can do his civic duty, say he offered, and be on his way. Probably to a modeling convention. But he continues to gaze back.

“Oh, wait, you’re serious?” He actually wants to waste his night on someone boring like me? “I mean…are you sure? You look like someone who has way better things to do than keep me company.”

“I think I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be this evening.”

Poof! My panties just evaporated. Stranger be damned, he wins. I sigh in defeat. “All right, you win. I’ll agree to this crazy idea. But it’s your own fault if your night becomes a bore. I may not be the best company. You’ve been warned.”

“If my intuition is correct, you are anything but. In New Orleans, it is impossible to be a bore. Too much to excite yourself with. Too much temptation. ’Tis why this town was deemed ‘the city care forgot.’ ’Tis a night to forget your troubles and be carefree.”

A bubble forms up my throat, and I laugh at his comment. “Whatever you say. So, Mr. Tour Guide, what’s first on our agenda?” This may be a crazy idea, but I’d be lying if I’m not getting excited over where

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