Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,100

happy to see her, I don’t know whether to cry or cry. “Hey, hey…” she brushes a loose strand of my hair back, tucking it behind my ear. “It doesn’t look that bad. I mean, someone should have stopped you, but it’ll grow back. The color, though…”

“Bad time for sarcasm,” I whisper, fighting back my emotions.

“It’s never a good time for sarcasm. That’s why it’s called sarcasm. What happened? I thought you were moving past this?”

How do I move past something that’s like a leech sucking away at my sanity?

“I did too. I’ve killed him so many times in my head, but he keeps resurrecting and torturing me in the most demented ways.”

“Wait—like, you’ve seen him? I swear, if that motherfucker—”

“No, I haven’t, but he called me. Had the nerve to ask for my engagement ring back after admitting he paid for it with my credit card.” Her gasp is impressive, but it doesn’t stand a chance against her growl when I tell her about the clinic call.

“Tell me that’s fake. Tell me you didn’t really murder him so I can!”

“I’ve literally been funding his secret life since the beginning. Now that I think about it, I even bought his drinks the day we met. I’m such a fool.”

Trudy grasps my arms and shakes me. “You are no fool. He’s a loser. A soon to be dead one. This is not about you. You’re amazing and beautiful. Smart and funny. Any guy would drop dead to have you. Do not let James’s bad decisions ruin who you really are.”

“How am I supposed to do that? All I see is the past six years and all the mistakes I’ve made. No matter what angle I look at it from, I come back to the same conclusion: he has ruined me.”

Trudy jumps off the couch, startling me. She begins to do some sort of Kung Fu dance, then freezes and stares at me.

“Um, what just happened there?”

“That was to snap you out of whatever that crazy thought was. He has not ruined you, for one. Two, I’m done watching you take the blame for something that isn’t your fault. He cheated, lied—”

“Got a ton of chicks knocked up.”

“That too, and you’re done dwelling on the fact that he’s no longer in your life. So you’re in like a shit ton of debt you’ll probably never get out of, but so what! You still have you. You’re young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Aren’t you glad you found out now—not when you’re like fifty and old as fuck?”

“Ummm, I’m not glad I found out at all.”

Trudy shrugs. “Well, same. I mean, this is all fucked up. But you can’t let him win. You need to get up and get back out there.”

I shake my head. “You’re kidding me if you think I’m ready to date again. Like, ever.”

Trudy slaps her hands onto her hips. “Who said anything about dating? I’m talking about just going out again and enjoying life! Fuck it, let’s take a trip. Anywhere. A place with lots of booze and no rules.”

“I don’t think I’d be the best company right now. Maybe ask Patti or Deb—ouch! Why did you just slap me?”

“You’re out of control! This whole not wanting to party thing you’ve going on—I don’t know this person. The Katie I know would never turn down an opportunity to hang with her besties and get drunk.”

She may be right. I’m not one to pass up a good time. But that was the old me. The new me is tame and gentle. Has a drink limit and a curfew. Tries not to swear and makes smart decisions. “God, you’re right. I am out of control. What have I turned into?”

“June fucking Cleaver. But it’s okay. You have me to change that. Just prepare to leave your parents’ couch, shower, and possibly put a toner on your hair—that shit is way too blonde—and let me handle the rest! Cool?”

She doesn’t give me a chance to reply before grabbing my hand, tugging me off the couch, and dragging me toward the kitchen.

“Now, let’s go eat. I smell your mom’s meatloaf. I’m starving.”


This is insane. Who just shows up to the airport and books the first flight available? “You know this is frowned upon by the government, right? We’re gonna get flagged and probably probed.”

“Dude, we’re fine. People do it all the time.”

“Show up at airports asking for a ticket to paradise?”

Trudy rolls her eyes, moving up in line. “No.

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