Wicked as Lies (Wicked & Devoted #3) - Shayla Black Page 0,77

If she cries and he finds me…”

He cursed again. “Listen to me. Walk around the neighborhood. Stay on streets where you see porch lights or other indications that people are home and awake while you slowly make your way back to your place. I’ll be there as soon as I can, and I’ll call in reinforcements. Stay near your phone. If he catches up to you, scream like your life depends on it.”

Because it probably did. “Okay.”

“I’ll be there as fast as I can, baby.”

“I’m sorry.” She failed miserably at not trembling with fear.

“Don’t ever apologize for needing me. I’m here for you.”

Then the line went dead.

“Goddamn it, Tess! Where the fuck are you?” Cash was getting closer. “I’m not chasing your ass in the dark.”

She really wished he wouldn’t, but she had a terrible feeling he wouldn’t stop—until someone stopped him.

With her heart lurching, she tiptoed out of the gazebo, to the corner of the park, and down the adjacent street, kissing Hallie’s soft baby curls to quiet her fussy grunts and soothing her with a whisper. Seconds ticked by like hours. The neighborhood wasn’t that big. It wouldn’t take Cash long to find her, unless… Could she possibly double back to her place, grab her keys, and slip away before he found her? Fleeing wasn’t her first choice. Nor was ceding her home to him, even temporarily. But it was better than whatever he had in mind.

Tessa picked up the pace, doing her best to run back to her duplex in the high heels she’d worn to work on now-tired feet. Her heart jerked. Adrenaline rushed through her veins. Her audible breathing jacked up her fear, especially as Cash continued snarling after her.

But soon she realized he hadn’t spotted her working her way down the street, ducking behind bushes and burrowing behind trees. If he had, he would have run after her. And she knew he wasn’t because his voice was sounding farther and farther away.

Finally, she rounded the corner back onto her block and made a mad dash for her place. The door was unlocked, thank God. She bolted inside, slammed and locked it behind her, then ran around her place in a frantic search for her keys. But they were gone. Her purse and Hallie’s diaper bag had been turned upside down and the contents strewn everywhere. In fact, he’d messed with most of her stuff—everything from her jewelry box where she kept her extra cash that was now missing to her work computer flashing the log-in screen.


Suddenly, Cash stood in the entryway, holding up her key ring with a feral smile. “Looking for these?”

Tessa’s first instinct was to get out of the unit—but he was blocking the door.

Terror gripped her chest as she held Hallie tighter. “Cash… Whatever you’re thinking, don’t do this.”

“Babe. C’mon…” He swerved on his feet. “You heard the police. I have a blank check. It’s past time I put you in your place and remind you who’s boss. Then I’m going to get between those pretty legs again. After that, if you apologize nicely, I might cut you some slack. If not…well, no one is expecting you in the office for over forty-eight hours. A lot can happen in that time.”

Tessa tried not to let fear undo her. “Cash, please…”

“Nah, the time for begging has passed. Put the baby in her crib. Now.”

“A-all right.” Trembling from head to toe, she did as he bid, praying Hallie would be safer alone in her room. After all, Cash wasn’t mad at the baby, just her. “She needs a change and some pajamas.”

He ground his teeth. “Two minutes.”

She didn’t dare drag her feet. She texted Zy that she was trapped in the house with Cash, then tended to Hallie, giving her a fresh diaper and some warm footie pajamas. Then she kissed her daughter’s head as she set the baby in her crib. Instantly, the little girl protested, stomping her feet and holding out her arms, tears welling in her big green eyes.

It nearly tore Tessa apart.

“Shut her up. You’ve got ten seconds.”

That was never going to happen, and Tessa tried not to drown in worry. She kissed her baby, turned on the recorded lullaby she kept cued up to help Hallie calm down at the end of the day, then whispered, “I love you, sweet pea.”

Tessa hoped it wasn’t the last time she said those words.

Then she shut the door behind her and prayed Hallie wouldn’t draw Cash’s ire. No matter what, Tessa

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