Wicked Kiss (Nightwatchers) - By Michelle Rowen Page 0,54

to calm myself.

“Um, what am I doing?” Kraven began, more maddeningly amused than concerned by the angel of death glaring at him. “My job, of course. Why? Whatever did it look like?”

“Your job, huh?” Poison dripped from the words. But when Bishop turned to face me, the anger slipped from his expression. “Are you all right?”

“What?” I blinked at him, stunned. It was the last thing I expected him to say after his furious arrival.

He touched my face, stroking the long, dark hair back that had fallen across my forehead. That breath-catching tingle of electricity flowed between us immediately.

“Oh, give me a break,” Kraven said drily. “I wasn’t forcing myself on her if that’s what you’re thinking.”

My cheeks began to burn as I remembered Kraven’s lips against mine.

“What happened here?” Bishop asked sharply.

“I had to kiss her. Obviously.” The demon leaned a shoulder against the wall nearby. “She was having another soul-sucker meltdown like at Crave the other night.”

I was shaking now. “Please, Bishop...”

His breath caught. “What is it?”

“I’m sorry, but...you’re too close to me right now.” My brain was growing fuzzy at the edges. My vision narrowed on his mouth.

He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple jumping as he did. He slid his hands to my arms, gripping them firmly. His gaze sank into mine and he was close enough that I could feel the rapid beat of his heart. It was just like last night in my room. Dangerous.

But there was one six-foot-two difference tonight.

“Uh-oh. I think you’ve caught him in your spiderweb, gray-girl. Allow me to lend the hapless fly a hand.” Kraven grabbed the back of Bishop’s shirt and yanked him backward and out of my orbit of hunger. His warmth disappeared in an instant, and the cold rushed in on all sides.

There was still a spark of something unhinged in Bishop’s eyes—something uncontrollable. Then he swore under his breath and raked a hand through his messy mahogany hair as he looked away from both of us.

“Exactly,” Kraven said, nodding. “Best keep you two crazy kids apart.”

Bishop glared at Kraven before his expression cooled. “Want to tell me what’s going on here?”

Still weak and shaky, my legs finally gave out and I slid down the wall all the way to the ground. But at least I could think again. “You missed the part where I nearly attacked somebody a minute ago. I’m losing it, Bishop. Little by little. And it scares the hell out of me.”

His gaze, now guarded, moved back to me. “What are you doing out here tonight?”

I let out a shaky breath. “I couldn’t just stay home and wait for other people to solve my problems. I’m looking for Stephen, of course. Luckily, Kraven was keeping an eye on me when my control took a nosedive.”

An unpleasant smile cracked through his expression and he shot a withering look at the demon. “My big brother, so attentive. Especially when it comes to you, Samantha.”

Kraven spread his hands. “I’m here to help.”

“Let’s try this again.” Bishop held his hand out to me, and I eyed it wistfully and warily. “It’s okay. I’m better now.”

“Really?” I chewed my bottom lip as I took his hand and let him pull me to my feet. He let go of me immediately, regretfully, and tore his gaze from mine to look at his brother again.

“Ah, that charming look of death,” Kraven said. “I know it well. But, really, you shouldn’t be jealous over a simple kiss between me and your girlfriend. You know. Another one.” He glanced at me. “What was that tonight? Strawberry lip gloss? I approve.”

“Thank you for helping me.” My cheeks burned. “Also, go to hell.”

“Been there, done that.”

Bishop fixed him with a steady look. “Why would I be jealous? It was so good of you to sweep in and save the day like the hero you are.”

Even I recognized sarcasm when it was spread on that thick.

The problem was, it was true. Kraven had helped me. He had saved the day.

Bishop knew it, too. And while he might accept that it was necessary, the dark expression on his handsome face made me think he didn’t like it at all.

I drew my coat closer to help keep out the chill. If I wasn’t touching Bishop—which was a seriously bad idea right now—the cold of the night bit right through the fabric and sank straight down to my bones. Being that it was only October 29, it couldn’t possibly be as cold as it seemed.

The cold is one

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