Wicked Fox (Gumiho #1) - Kat Cho Page 0,16

woods?” Miyoung’s face was set, her eyes clear. She seemed so sure of herself, he almost believed her over his own memory.

He started to speak again.

Mr. Hong tapped on the glass and mouthed, No talking.

Jihoon lowered his head and tried to ignore the ache in his shoulders.

The bell rang, a shrill noise that broke the silence and marked the time for gym. It hurt to lower his arms after holding them up for so long. When Jihoon stood, his legs trembled, the pricks of a thousand needles creating a shiver of pain.

As he struggled to his feet, a group of girls descended upon Miyoung, who didn’t seem to have any issues shaking off the physical effects of the punishment.

“Your face is so small. You could be a model,” one of them cooed. “I’m jealous.”

“Your skin is so clear. What foundation do you use?” asked another.

“I don’t wear any,” Miyoung said, her voice cold and dismissive. The other girls didn’t seem to get the hint as they continued to pepper her with questions.

“Ahn Jihoon.” One of the girls zeroed in on him. “Hitting on the transfer on her first day? It’s so unlike you.”

Jihoon shrugged by way of answer.

“Does Lee Somin know you’re crushing on the transfer?” Jihoon glanced over to see Miyoung’s reaction, but realized she’d taken this opportunity to disappear.

“Lee Somin knows you’re talking about her behind her back.” Somin stepped out of the classroom, her arms crossed. The girls jerked upright, like army privates faced with their colonel.

“You should change for gym class,” she said. The girls nodded and scurried away.

“Somin-ah, if you keep doing that, no one will ever talk to us again.” Jihoon threw an arm around her shoulder in a light choke hold. The movement was more to support his still-weak legs than anything else, but no one had to know.

“Is that a bad thing?” Somin jabbed him in the side so he loosened his grip. “What did you want with the transfer?”

“Just trying to be friendly,” Jihoon said. He didn’t want to discuss the confusing mystery that was Gu Miyoung right now.

“I don’t like her. She’s rude.”

“You don’t like her because she’s not afraid of you,” Changwan said, joining them.

“No one cares about your opinion,” Somin said, and the two began to bicker.

“Come on.” Jihoon threw his other arm around Changwan’s shoulders, turning the three of them into a unit. “You can work off that extra energy in gym.”


MIYOUNG WAS EXHAUSTED from fending off the curiosity of her new classmates. She’d grown accustomed to the few get-to-know-you inquiries she always encountered as the new kid in class. But this time was different, more intense. And she laid that blame directly at the feet of one Ahn Jihoon. His stunt with the note had garnered her a lot of unwanted attention, and she was starting to regret saving his useless life.

The large indoor gymnasium echoed with the chatter of her classmates, mingling in small subgroups of friends. Miyoung stood in the back alone. Her normal position.

The gym teacher was an unassuming man with the face of a toad and a name Miyoung didn’t bother to remember.

He informed the class that today’s lesson would be partner dodgeball. The students’ moans bounced off the high rafters.

The teacher handed out five red balls and explained the game. Students made teams of two, with one as the guard, the other as the guarded. Only the guard could touch the ball. If the guarded was hit, they were out. If the two separated, they were out. It seemed unnecessarily complicated to Miyoung.

The kids quickly began pairing up. Anytime someone approached her, Miyoung sent them a glare that stopped them until all the kids were paired except for her and Jihoon, who walked toward her with a rueful smile. Miyoung’s frown deepened.

“I guess we’re partners,” he said, seemingly unperturbed by her glower.

“I can’t play.” Her annoyance was so thick it choked her. “My foot hurts.”

“Did you hurt it when you fell?” he asked in a whisper.

His question confused Miyoung. “I didn’t fall.”

“Not today, the other night.”

Her eyes narrowed as she tried to decide what level of idiotic he was.

“Begin.” The gym teacher blew a whistle. The kids spread out, some already squealing in distress before any balls were thrown. The loudest of whom was Changwan clinging to Somin’s shoulders.

Jihoon took the front position. Miyoung held on to the hem of his shirt with two fingers. They wove and dodged, Miyoung easily following Jihoon’s jerking movements. He stumbled as he dove to

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