Wicked Ever After (Wicked & Devoted #2) - Shayla Black Page 0,108

he’d dealt with my mom. Then he put his hands around her neck and squeezed.”

“D-did he…kill your mother?” Brea looked horrified.

One-Mile didn’t blame her. “Yeah. And he admitted that like he was proud. So when Allie started choking and turning blue, I knew he’d do it again.”

“So you killed him,” Jasper finished quietly.

“Yeah.” His fucking voice broke.

“Oh…” Brea wrapped her small hands around his. “He didn’t leave you much choice.”

Dad hadn’t.

But One-Mile sometimes worried he wasn’t any better. He had killed so many, taken their blood and ended their lives. Despite that, Brea, with her pure heart, comforted him, stroking his knuckles as tears ran down her cheeks. He knew she wasn’t crying for Allie or her father. She was crying for him.

Tears stung his eyes, too. He blinked and clenched his jaw and tried not to fucking lose it.

“What happened?”

After he’d cried like a baby? “My grandpa came down. He stayed for a few months, but then he got sick and passed away. I barely managed to drive him back to Wyoming in time. Then…I was alone.”

“You were just a kid.”

“Sixteen. But honestly, I’d been alone most of my life. Allie lost her baby, but she did me a favor. She convinced the courts that she’d been the closest thing I’d had to a mother, and because I was a problem child, they were more than happy to let her take custody of me. But it was just on paper. She moved back in with her parents, and I lived at home off Grandpa’s money until I graduated. When I turned eighteen I sold everything, invested it all, and joined the Marines. You know the rest.”

Then he clutched her hands, terrified he’d see condemnation or disgust in her eyes. Instead, she rose and threw herself against him, pressing her cheek to his chest and wrapping her arms around him as if she meant to heal every one of his hurts with her love and devotion.

One-Mile couldn’t hold back. He enveloped her, relief flooding him until he nearly went weak-kneed—and he lost all sense of composure. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this woman, but he’d wake up every day and do his best to be worthy of her.

“Pretty girl, don’t cry, especially for me.” He stroked her head. “Your tears hurt too much.”

“Oh, Pierce… I can’t believe how horribly you’ve suffered.”

“It was all a long time ago… It’s okay.”

“It’s not. You’ve suffered ever since I’ve met you. I’m so, so sorry,” she sobbed. “I wish I could take it all away and make it better. I wish—”

“You do, baby. You have from the very moment you let me into your life.” He kissed the top of her head and looked over her, at Jasper.

Compassion softened the man’s kind face. Acceptance filled his eyes that brimmed with tears. “You survived hell, and the fact you did whatever it took to save someone smaller and weaker tells me a lot about who you are. God forgives all. I can’t do any less. You have my blessing…son.” The man swallowed thickly and stuck out his hand. “Take care of her.”

One-Mile’s chest twisted as he shook it. “Yes, sir. Thank you. I will.”

The preacher might never like him, but the man understood that he would love Brea every moment of every day because no other woman would ever have any part of his heart. Jasper knew he would protect her and their children to his dying breath.

For now, that was enough.

Brea raised her head from his chest and looked up at him with big golden eyes full of love. “I want to make the rest of your life so happy.”

“Yeah?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the little box he’d stashed there. Then he opened it to reveal the simple, winking solitaire. “You could do that by marrying me. Still want to?”

He’d never imagined he would ever do something as traditional as get down on one knee to propose, but for Brea he’d go to any lengths to prove how much he loved her.

“Yes.” She nodded furiously as more tears fell. “Yes!”

With his heart soaring, he slid the ring on her finger, brushed the moisture from her cheeks, and pressed a resounding kiss on her lips. “Thank God. I can’t wait. Can we get married on Saturday?”

She laughed. “No, but we will soon. Because I can’t wait, either. There’s nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“You are my life. I love you,

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