The Wicked Aftermath - Melissa Foster Page 0,54

as she dabbed at her tears with tissues.

“He sounds like a very special young man.” Mike glanced at the girls. “I think the girls inherited his charm. They had me eating out of the palms of their hands today.”

“Don’t think we didn’t notice you sending them to the cookie tray for you,” Reba said. “Your doctors are not going to be happy.”

Mike scoffed, swatting his hand dismissively. “You saw nothing of the sort.”

“Our grandfather is a sucker for little girls and for sweets,” Madigan said. “He used to sneak candy bars to me and Ashley when we were little.”

“Now he bribes us to sneak them to him,” Maverick said, and everyone laughed.

Chloe gave him a stern look, and Maverick leaned in for a kiss, turning the harsh expression to something much warmer. Tank had never been a jealous man, but hell if he didn’t wish he could have done that with Leah a hundred times today. It had taken more than a year for Chloe to let go of her preconceived notions about Maverick and see there was something special between them. Tank was confident that his and Leah’s time would come.

“A man’s got to enjoy himself,” Mike grumbled, bringing Tank’s mind back to the moment.

“That’s my motto,” Gunner said with a smirk.

Mike eyed Gunner. “How about you enjoy yourself into marriage and make me some great-grandchildren?”

Preacher clapped a hand on Gunner’s shoulder and said, “Better find the one quickly, son, or Mav and Chloe will beat you in the grandchild race.”

“Yes, Gunny, how about you do that?” Ginger said.

Gunner pushed to his feet. “I think I hear Undercover calling my name.” Undercover was a nightclub in a nearby town. “Who’s coming with me?”

“Me!” Madigan popped to her feet, her mahogany hair bouncing around her shoulders. She’d cornered Tank earlier to tell him how much she loved Leah and the girls.

Blaine stood and put an arm around Madigan. “Guess that means I’m going.”

Madigan rolled her eyes. “Stop acting like I need a chaperone.”

Tank and Blaine exchanged a glance. They worried about Madigan. She’d gone overseas for a semester of college as a starry-eyed girl and had returned focused, driven, and different. Within a year she’d started the Mad Truth About Love greeting-card line, which made fun of the more difficult aspects of relationships. Between that and her puppeteering, she rarely dated. She claimed she’d just grown up, but Tank and Blaine had other beliefs about what had gone down when she was too damn far from home.

“We’re in.” Zander stood and dragged Zeke up by his sleeve.

“Dude, I’m really not into babysitting you tonight,” Zeke said.

“Good,” Madigan said sharply. “Zeke can keep Blaine busy so I can dance.”

“I think it’s time we get Mike home, too,” Ginger said, and they all decided to call it a night.

As they said their goodbyes, Leah hugged Zander and said, “Thank you for learning River’s favorite songs. It meant a lot to me.”

“Anytime. If the girls ever want to hear someone play, I’m happy to stop by, or you and Tank can bring them by my place,” Zander said. “I’d offer to teach them, the way River was doing, but I don’t read music and I suck at teaching. But Mads could teach them. She taught me.”

“I sure can.” Madigan hugged Leah. “Aunt Ginger told me you and the girls are cooking with her next Sunday. Would you mind if I joined you? I love cooking, and I’ll bring my guitar and play for Junie and Rosie.”

“That sounds fun,” Leah said.

After many hugs, they loaded Tank’s truck with leftovers, the memory boards, and the pictures from the pennant string and headed back to Leah’s cottage. She was quiet on the drive, gazing out the passenger window. When they arrived, they carried the girls inside, and while Leah changed them into their pajamas and put them to bed, Tank brought the rest of their things inside. He put away the leftovers and set up the easels with the poster and memory board on the far side of the living room.

It had been hell keeping his affections to himself today, and when Leah came out of the girls’ room in her bare feet and black dress, looking sweet, beautiful, and exhausted, Tank wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and hold her. But the ball was in her court, and out of respect for her need for space, he’d take his cues from her.

She closed the girls’ door most of the way and Copyright 2016 - 2024