Why Resist a Rebel - By Leah Ashton Page 0,59

attach her CV. Then another to press send.

She walked back to Dev’s bedroom. He still slept, flat on his back now, his chest rising and falling steadily.

She’d wanted to leave, before. She wanted to leave, now.

She should, she knew.

Dev didn’t need her. He had his life back on track—there was no more need for her. No more need for her to be his distraction.

Had she ever thought she was anything more?


That was the problem. That was why she’d tried, and failed, to keep her distance.

But she wasn’t about to disappear in the middle of the night.

Tonight she’d sleep in his arms—just this once.

Because, she didn’t really want to leave. That was the problem.


The flash of blonde hair was unmistakeable.

Dev tripped, the toe of his boot catching in the uneven dirt, and he took a moment to steady himself.

‘You right, mate?’

Dev nodded. A moment ago he’d been in the middle of a conversation with the young actor as they led their horses in readiness for their next scene. Now he had no idea what they’d been talking about.

He smiled. This was crazy.

He watched as Ruby flitted amongst the crew, as busy and efficient as always.

And, as always, not as much as one glance was thrown in his direction.

His smile dropped. Up until today it hadn’t bothered him, her obsession with keeping their relationship private. Of course he understood.

But after last night, it just didn’t sit right.

This wasn’t just some fling; he knew it.

So what was it, then?

His horse shoved his head against Dev’s side, rubbing his ears against his shoulder.

It yanked his attention back to what he should be doing—running through his lines.

Right now he needed to focus. Tonight, he’d talk to Ruby.

He ended up talking to her a lot earlier than that.

Dev opened his trailer door in response to angry hammering, and Ruby flew into the tiny space. She stalked straight past him, and then kept on pacing, not even catching his gaze.

‘I thought we were past this?’ she asked, agitation oozing from every pore.

He held up his hands in surrender. ‘I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.’

She spun about, getting right up close to him. He knew she was frustrated, but his reaction to her closeness, to the fire in her eyes, was obviously not what she’d intended.

She shoved one of his shoulders. ‘This isn’t funny!’

‘I have no idea if it’s funny or not,’ he pointed out.

Ruby took a deep breath, then one big step back.

‘The Australian Film Association Awards? Does that ring a bell?’

He nodded. ‘Sure. Paul spoke to me about them about an hour ago.’


‘I said I’d get back to him.’

She put her hands on her hips, and just stared at him—as if that explained everything.

Ruby sighed. ‘Do I seriously need to remind you about your contract? You walking the red carpet at the awards is all about generating early buzz for The Land.’

She then muttered something about arrogant overpaid actors under her breath.

He reached out, wrapping his hand around Ruby’s. ‘I said I’d get back to him. And I will—once I speak to you.’

She blinked, then glanced down at their joined hands. ‘What do I have to do with it?’

He squeezed her palm, but she didn’t respond. Her gaze was now wary, and he watched as she shifted her weight from foot to foot.

He grinned. ‘Normally I’d hope for more enthusiasm when I’m inviting a woman to a red-carpet event.’

Her eyes narrowed. ‘Is that what you’re doing?’

He nodded.


This wasn’t the reaction he’d expected when he’d had the spur-of-the-moment idea. He’d forgotten all about the awards night, but once Paul mentioned it it seemed perfect.

‘Because I want you to come with me.’ Then, he added, before she could say what he knew was on the tip of her tongue, ‘I want people to know we’re together.’

She tugged on his hand. Hard. He let her go, but he didn’t understand why she was doing this. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, to kiss her. To tell her how amazing it was to realise what he had right in front of him—what he had with her.

But she didn’t want to hear it.

Ruby wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her fingers up and down the woollen fabric of her oversized cardigan.

‘What if I don’t?’

‘Why wouldn’t you?’ he asked, slowly. Confused.

She rolled her eyes. ‘I don’t know, maybe because I don’t want people to know about...’ she threw her hands out in front of her, vaguely encompassing them both ‘...whatever this is.’

‘What do you think this is?’


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