Why Resist a Rebel - By Leah Ashton Page 0,39

trying to relocate her brain—and, while she was at it, any sense of professionalism she still possessed. ‘The only problem I have is that you were required on set—’ she pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time ‘—over an hour ago.’

For the shortest of moments his eyes flickered, and his expression shifted. He looked—surprised? Disappointed? Angry?

Then it had all disappeared to be replaced by a look she was all too familiar with—arrogance.

He tilted his head back, so it rested against the wall. Then slowly and deliberately, he turned his head towards her, every pore of his body oozing exactly how little he cared.

It was all very...practised.

Ruby’s eyes narrowed as she met his, trying to see past this hastily erected façade, trying to figure out...Dev, really.

No. She didn’t have time for this.

‘I need you to get a move on, Mr Cooper. So we don’t lose the whole morning.’

He nodded. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I can see how you would need that.’

Dev didn’t move.

Ruby stepped forward, and Dev’s gaze dipped to her still-fisted fingers. ‘Exactly what do you think you’re going to do with those?’

Instantly her fingers were flat against her thighs.

‘Are you unwell, Mr Cooper?’

He shook his head. ‘I think you’re quite aware how healthy I am.’

Ruby’s cheeks went hot, but she pushed on, now right beside the edge of the bed. ‘Then I really need you to get out of bed immediately. A lot of people are waiting for you.’

He shrugged. Then he looked pointedly at her hands—again fisted. But this time she made no move to relax them. Much more of this and she might well actually hit him.

‘Mr Cooper. I’m sure you’re aware of your contractual obligations.’

‘Of course,’ he said, with a nod. But then did not elaborate further.

Ruby swallowed a sigh. He knew the deal—this far into filming and with Arizona due to leave the country, there was no way that Paul could replace Dev. Besides, it wasn’t as if there were a bevy of other A-list actors banging down the producer’s door.

‘Fine,’ she said. ‘Let’s get to the point. I want you on set as soon as possible. You—for reasons unknown—have chosen to stay in bed today. And—inexplicably—despite the dozens of people relying on the success of this film, wish to stay here.’

‘I’d agree with that assessment.’ His voice was as dry as dust, his expression patently unmoved.

‘So tell me,’ she said, making absolutely no attempt to sound professional any more, ‘what exactly do I need to do to get you out of this room?’

At this, he smiled. A real smile—a delicious smile. A smile that moved the heat still in her cheeks to somewhere low in her belly. It was a visceral reaction she couldn’t have prevented if she tried.

And Ruby had the sudden realisation that this was where Dev had been heading the whole time. To this question.

‘A favour,’ he said.

He’d locked his gaze to hers. A gaze she didn’t have a hope of interpreting.

Why did she even bother? Hadn’t she decided he was just an actor, portraying whatever emotion or personality that would get what he wanted out of a situation?

‘What type of favour exactly?’

Another shrug. ‘I haven’t decided yet.’

She gaped at him. ‘You don’t seriously expect me to agree to that?’

He didn’t say a word, just looked at her. Then, after a while, slid down along the mattress until his head hit the pillow. Then, as calmly as you liked, turned onto his side. His back to her.

Ruby’s mind raced, considering her options.

Could she go and find Graeme? Get him to somehow strongarm Dev out to the car?

A quick glance at Dev, and his muscled physique and sheer size nixed that idea. No, that wouldn’t work.

She could call Paul?

And...what? Her job was to solve problems. Paul expected her to solve things—once he gave her a problem, quite simply it ceased to be his. It was her problem.

‘It can’t be illegal,’ she said, finally.

He casually turned over, to smile that devastating smile at her yet again, his chin propped on one hand.

My God. She was helpless to prevent the rapid acceleration of her heat—even at completely inappropriate moments, her body reacted to him.

‘It won’t be.’

‘And it can’t be a...’ Ruby had to look away, staring at the elaborate cornicing above the curtains ‘...a kiss,’ she said. Then faster, ‘Or anything else like that.’

In seconds he was up, out of bed, standing right in front of her, forcing her to look at him. The emptiness had gone, but what he’d exposed

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