Why Resist a Rebel - By Leah Ashton Page 0,19


‘You’ll what, Ruby?’

She made herself meet his gaze. ‘I—’ she started. She should apologise, she knew. Grovel, even—do anything to patch up the past few minutes as if they had never, ever happened.

But she couldn’t do it—it would be like time-travelling ten years into her past.

‘I’d appreciate it,’ she said, deliberately mimicking him, ‘if you could carefully consider your future requests, or issues, before contacting myself, or my office. We’re all very busy at the moment.’

Even that was far from an appropriate request to make of a film’s biggest star, but she just couldn’t concede any less.

In response, Dev smiled. The sudden lightness in his gaze made Ruby’s heart skip a beat. Alone in a room with Dev Cooper, Ruby would challenge any woman not to do the same—irritated beyond belief or not.

‘It wasn’t revenge,’ he said, simply.

‘But it was something,’ Ruby prompted. What was all this about?

‘I’m sorry that you thought I was trying to make you look bad in front of your boss and colleagues. I can assure you I wasn’t.’

Even knowing he was a very good actor, Ruby believed him. Those eyes, in real life, were nothing at all like what you saw on celluloid. They revealed so much more—more than Ruby could even begin to interpret.

‘It’s much simpler than that. Much less exciting than some dastardly vengeful plan.’

Ruby crossed her arms, watching him stonily.

He sighed. ‘Okay, bad joke. Look...’ He looked down at the trailer floor for just a moment. ‘It’s simple, really. I don’t need “looking after”.’

Ruby narrowed her eyes. ‘And the fact I’m the brunt of this behaviour is an unfortunate coincidence?’

‘No,’ he conceded. ‘I just like...’ He studied her face, then focused on her eyes, as if he was trying to work something out. ‘I like seeing you react.’

She was not deluded enough to think that she stood out amongst all the other women she knew he surrounded himself with. She’d seen the photos of him with Estelle—a supermodel, for crying out loud. This juvenile game had nothing to do with her. Not really.

This was about his ego, his sense of the way things should be.

She didn’t come into it at all.

Ruby spoke very politely. ‘Please carefully consider your future requests, or issues, before contacting myself, or my office,’ she repeated.

He nodded, and for the first time in long minutes Ruby felt as if she was breathing normally.

‘I’ll do my best,’ he said.

Every muscle in her body that had begun to relax re-tightened, ready for battle. Had he not heard a word she’d said? How could he possibly think—?

‘No more stunts like this—I get it. I won’t impact the filming schedule.’


He grinned, but that brightness she’d seen—just for that moment—had long disappeared. Now there was a heaviness to his gaze, and the lines around his mouth were tight.

‘I think I’m having too much fun with you.’

‘I’m not interested,’ she said, quick as a flash. But they both heard that she didn’t really believe that.

Since when had she been this transparent?

He was so sure he knew where this was headed it made her want to scream. And simultaneously made her question her sanity. There was just something about the man, and the way he looked at her, that had her questioning herself. Had her questioning the rules she’d laid down for herself long ago...

She shook her head firmly.

‘I’m going to tell Hair and Make-up that it was a misunderstanding and you’re happy to go with the haircut as planned.’

He nodded sharply.

She turned to go, but paused at the trailer door.

‘You do realise that the kid who threw sticks at the girl he liked in primary school never did get the girl?’

He laughed, the deep sound making her shiver. ‘Not in my experience.’

Ruby slammed the door behind her as she left.


‘Ruby, can I have a minute?’

Paul spoke from the hallway, barely poking his head into the busy office. He didn’t bother waiting for an answer—as of course it wasn’t a question—and so half a minute later Ruby was closing the door behind her as she stepped into the producer’s office.


Paul was rubbing his forehead, which wasn’t a good sign.

‘Are the drivers organised for tomorrow night?’ he asked.

Paul was attending the premiere of his latest film in Sydney. Both Dev and Arizona would also be walking the red carpet—a bit of extra attention for that film, plus some early promo for The Land. ‘Of course. All three cars are sorted.’

As was contractually necessary. Must travel in own car was a pretty standard condition for most actors.

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