Why don't you Stay ... Forever - Jennifer Ashley Page 0,34

her. Have been for a while.

The show ends with Erin’s finale with Dean. They put everything they have into it tonight, and when Erin finishes with her graceful bow, the theater comes apart. Everyone’s on their feet cheering her, Dean, the company, even Reuben. Dean brings out Clarice, who gets her own applause, and flowers are carried to the stage, including a bouquet from me and one from my family.

The curtain should be coming down, but Dean shakes his head at the guy who works the curtain, and it stays open.

That’s my cue. As Erin shoots Dean a puzzled look, I leave my seat and push my way to the aisle.

Of my family, only Ryan knows what I’m doing. He gives me a thump on the back as I pass him. The rest of the family watches me in perplexity and some annoyance. I think I’ve stepped on Zach’s toes.

Dean hurries on strong feet to the edge of the stage and escorts me up onto it. Erin gives us both a what-the-hell? stare. The rest of the dancers and Clarice pause, curious.

As I approach Erin, Dean makes a sharp signal to someone in the wings, and music begins to play out of the sound system. The audience, who are slowly filing out, turn back to the stage in surprise.

I take Erin’s hands. The song playing is the one we’d danced to at the club, where she’d showed me how even a guy with two left feet could enjoy the music. I grin at her and start to move.

Erin resists at first, then she shakes her head in bemusement and starts to dance with me. We do the arm-to-arm thing where she floats from one side of me to the other, and we finish up with her spinning around me.

She cups my face as she had at the club, and I sink down on one knee.

The music fades, Dean signaling as we’d discussed. I remain on one knee, taking Erin’s hands.

“You’re beautiful,” I tell her, then I raise my voice so it will carry to the back of the theater.

“Erin Dixon, will you marry me?”

Erin’s mouth pops open. Her eyes are outlined in up-swooping strokes, her lips with the curves of a happy woodland creature. Her makeup wars with her real face, which is tight with shock.

The audience is holding its breath. Austin’s “Whoa …” becomes lost in the rustle of expectation.

Erin’s hands are cold in mine, in spite of her pulse pounding against my fingers. Her chest moves rapidly, her breath fast.

She’s going to say no. I swallow, my blood turning to ice. She’ll withdraw, shake her head, and walk away, and that will be that.

Erin closes her mouth, then her lips part again.

“Yes,” she whispers. Then, “Yes!” She shouts it loud.

As I nearly fall on my ass in relief, Erin is on my lap, her arms flung around me. She kisses me fervently, no worry about smearing me with makeup now.

The cheering and applause surge as I hold Erin close, her body on mine. Our mouths meet in kisses that turn deep, intense. We’re holding each other hard, ignoring the shrieks and happy cries from our family and friends.

The sounds become strangely muffled, and finally, Erin raises her head. The curtain has closed, turning the stage into a stuffy tent with a rosin-dotted floor and cardboard scenery.

Erin slides from my lap to her feet and holds my hands while I stand.

“I love you,” I say to her.

Erin puts her arms around me again, resting her head on my shoulder. Tears streak her cheeks, becoming sooty puddles on her chin.

“I love you, Ben. I do so much.”

I hold her, and nothing else matters.

As soon as we ease apart, knowing we have to leave the stage sometime, Dean is beside us.

“That was wonderful.” He wipes his eyes. “Look, you made me cry like a big galoot.”

I hold out my hand. “Thanks for your help.” I’d had to recruit Dean, or I couldn’t have pulled this off. He’s kept the secret well.

Erin blinks, and Dean grabs me and squeezes me in a huge bear hug. As I gasp for breath, he releases me and seizes Erin in turn.

“Dean—” Erin’s voice cuts off as Dean squashes her, and she rocks when he lets her go. “You were in on this?”

“Sure.” Dean grins. “The look on your face …” His eyes screw up and he swipes at them with the back of his hand. “Here I go again. You two are coming to the

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