Why don't you Stay ... Forever - Jennifer Ashley Page 0,14

but anyone can see he’s an ex. I hope I’m conveying clearly that I want nothing to do with the idiot.

Dean’s trying, but Reuben won’t go away.

“This is Ben,” I say loudly. “Ben McLaughlin. He’s with me.”

Ben moves close to my side, facing Reuben.

Ben has height—all the McLaughlin brothers do. Ben is the shortest, but that means he’s about six foot two, compared to his six four brothers. Reuben, like many male dancers, is strong but compact. Dean’s on the tall side for a dancer, but Reuben’s about average.

Ben towers over him. He gazes down at Reuben, and Reuben takes subtle steps backward so he doesn’t have to crick his neck to meet Ben’s eyes.

Ben’s red-highlighted brown hair is adorably messy, his clothes casual—pants and a polo shirt. Reuben is sleek in a dress shirt and tie, his dark hair combed and gelled. I used to think Reuben was to-die-for handsome, but Ben puts him to shame.

Reuben raises his brows. “What do you mean, with you?” He doesn’t even say hello or how are you? like a polite person.

“She means with him,” Dean supplies. “They have a thing going on.”

“Yes,” I say hastily. “A thing.” I hope Ben doesn’t turn around and stride off in disgust.

Ben slides his arm around me. My heart leaps with relief and joy.

He says nothing, but Ben doesn’t have to. There’s advantage to being the silent type. At least with Reuben, who can’t handle having to guess what people think.

“A serious thing,” Deans continues. “We’re blown away by it. Can’t wait to see what happens next.”

He’s laying it on a little thick, but Ben, bless him, remains rock solid. “Nice to meet you,” he tells Reuben.

“Sure.” Reuben looks confused. He glances at Dean. “Same old gossip, aren’t you, Dean? Why don’t you go put on your fairy godmother costume?”

Dean had worn that at a party once, as a joke. Dean beams him a big smile. “You know, you have a pretty face, Barrow. I’d hate to ruin it with my giant fist.”

“I think it’s time to go,” Ben says. He keeps his arm around me and steers me past Dean, Reuben, and the dancers who have paused to watch the drama. “See you, Dean.” He jerks his chin. “Reuben.”

Dean bars Reuben’s way as I walk off with Ben, though I’m not sure Reuben would have tried to follow. He does have some pride—barrels of it, actually.

“I have to change,” I whisper to Ben.

“No problem. Want me to guard the door?” He gives me a half smile, but I see the anger in his eyes.

“There’s a sofa outside. Or you can take off—I can get a ride home with Ida.”

“Not with Mr. Wonderful hanging around. I’ll take you home. What is he? Your ex?”

My face is hot. “Bad break-up. I’ll …” We’ve reached the dressing room door. “This is me.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

I open my mouth to tell him he doesn’t have to, that I’ll understand if he high-tails it outta here.

Ben pulls me close, hand on the back of my neck, and kisses me on the mouth. It’s a rocking kiss, and my troubles dissipate as I ride on it. Ben knows how to kiss—he takes his time, infusing me with warmth.

I’m breathless when Ben pulls away and gives me his crooked smile.

“I’ll be waiting,” he repeats.

I manage a nod then edge backwards into the dressing room. It’s hard to close the door and leave him out, but I share this small dressing room with three other dancers, and I can’t let him in. The door shuts, the click of the latched drowned in the voices of the dancers chattering excitedly about today’s performance and the gathering afterward.


“So … Ben, is it? What do you do?”

I figured the asshole would find me sooner or later, not difficult in the small maze of backstage halls. I lounge on the arm of the sofa Erin pointed out to me, checking my messages.

One from my mom asking me to pick up something for the office, one from Zach saying he hasn’t heard from me all weekend, and what’s up?

I’m answering Zach evasively when I hear Reuben’s voice, see his feet halt a yard from the sofa.

I take my time pressing Send on Zach’s message before I raise my head. “Computer engineer.”

“Yeah?” Reuben blinks, obviously not expecting that answer. “I didn’t think computer guys were into dance.”

I shrug. “I’m into a lot of things.”

“Including Erin?”

The smirk on the smug bastard’s face annoys me. It’s a good thing I grew up

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