Who's the Boss? - Erin McCarthy Page 0,56

a horse, gently depositing him onto the floor. “Whoa, runaway horse.” He rolled onto his side.

I kicked my boots off and sat down next to them. Sully used my knee to pull himself up into a standing position and gave me a drooling grin. “That was fun, huh?” I told him. “Sean can be a lot of fun. So much fun.”

“No dirty talk in front of the baby,” Sean said, giving me a smirk.

“I am not going to talk dirty in front of the baby. You, on the other hand, just straight up said you want to go downtown in front of Savannah.” It was hard to come up with another way to say ‘taste my pussy’ that wasn’t as equally dirty or truly cheesy. Though going downtown was pretty cheesy, damn it.

Sean laughed. “I didn’t know she would open the door right then. I had no intention of talking about sex in front of her. Going downtown or how much I prefer it over uptown or how sometimes the train stops at midtown and how frustrating that is, or how taking the express train is really, really satisfying.”

Each word he spoke somehow got me even hotter and I couldn’t even figure out why. I stared at him. “You’re impossible. Plus I don’t even know what the train stopping midtown means.” I really didn’t. “Which one of us is the train?”

The look Sean gave me was one of disbelief. “Do we need to have a lesson? Because I’m pretty sure you’re the tunnel and I’m the train.”

Right. “But… I mean, yes. Obviously. But explain the train stopping at midtown to me.”

Sean sighed. “It doesn’t mean anything. I was just talking off the cuff and it doesn’t mean a single thing.”

“So it doesn’t mean that you might break down from time to time?” I said, enjoying how frustrated he was getting. He’d never once needed a pause. Not even close.

“I do not break down!” He rolled a ball to Sully. “You’re trying to bait me now. I know you.”

He did know me because I was. “Just checking. Trying to sort out all the train stops.”

“I’ll show you all the train stops later.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.” The conversation was a good distraction from the very real concern that watching him let a baby crawl all over him was doing strange things to my insides.

Keep it light.

Do not fall in love.

Heed Michael’s warning– Sean didn’t want to settle down.

Try not to think about my grandfather’s advice that I should be open to falling in love.

Sean lifted Sully up in the air and kissed his little round belly.

Too late. I was already open. Wide freaking open.

Mondays were my favorite day of the week. Bone was closed so for the last few weeks, Isla had been coming over. We would make dinner together, hang out and talk, watch a movie. Have amazing sex. This Monday, I had talked Isla into hanging out earlier in the day. I wanted to have sex with her, no doubt about it, but I also wanted to get to know Isla outside of the kitchen and the bedroom.

She was worried about running into someone we knew if we stayed in Brooklyn, so I picked her up in my car, a plan in mind.

Isla looked around the street with a grimace, before yanking open the passenger door and jumping in. “Hi.” She slammed the door shut. “I think we’re clear.”

I should care as much as she did, because my ass, my job, and my future were on the line, but I cared more about her. “You look great,” I said, as I pulled away from the curb.

She was wearing her usual choice of jeans, boots, and a leather jacket, but she’d pulled her hair up in a way that made me want to kiss her neck. Her earrings were little red guitars.

“Thanks,” she said, giving me a smile.

“Do you play the guitar?” I asked, because that wouldn’t surprise me. Isla was a cool girl.

“Yes. Not so much these days because I work so much, but as a teenager and in college. Gus got lots of calls from the building super that the neighbors had complained. He used to say it was no worse than our neighbors fighting at all hours of the night or the lady across the hall’s chihuahua. That dog had an attitude.”

“We had a dog like that in our building when I was a kid. It was a schnauzer and it was so freaking mean. It must have

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