Who's the Boss? - Erin McCarthy Page 0,41

that to someone else.” I wondered what she meant by being emotionally defective but I didn’t think she’d really intended to reveal that, so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

“You’re not wrong.” Isla stretched her legs out now too and flexed her combat boots up and down. “Do you get along with your parents? Your mom seemed kind of stressed at the engagement party.”

“We get along, sure. But I’m a disappointment. Michael is the golden son. He’s the total package. My sister, Maeve, is their second favorite because while she’s not saving lives like Michael, she’s very successful. They’re not overly impressed with me. At least not my mother. I’m not sure my father cares that much one way or the other. He’s not really invested in me.” Because I wasn’t actually his biological son.

For a second I considered telling her. But only my ex-girlfriend, Jasmine, knew and my brother, both told in drunken moments of feeling lousy. I didn’t even think my sister Maeve knew and as far as I was concerned, it wasn’t my truth to tell, it was my mother’s. I didn’t want to damage Maeve’s relationship with our mother.

I certainly had no business telling our family secrets to Isla.

“You’re successful,” she protested. “You’re the executive chef of a top restaurant in Brooklyn, the new culinary epicenter of New York.”

That touched me. Isla the Intimidator was defending me. “Thanks. Can I put that on my business cards?”

She laughed. “It’s a little wordy. You can put it on your dating profile.”

“I don’t think so. If I write that, women are going to assume I’m compensating for a small dick. Which I’m not. As you know.”

Isla gave me a grin. “That’s a fair point. It would sound a little douchey.”

I waited, but she didn’t say anything else. “This is an excellent opportunity for you to compliment my huge cock.”

Isla laughed. “No. Your ego is big enough. You don’t need me stroking it.”

I opened my mouth but she held her hand up to my mouth. “Don’t say it. I don’t want to hear anything about what I could stroke. Go on your dating app if you need company.”

“I’m staying away from dating apps for awhile. I’m a little distracted at the moment by a very sexy woman I work with who has an evil cat.”

“Save your breath. I told you I’m not having sex with you in this cooler.”

“Where’s your sense of adventure?”

She rolled her eyes for the approximately one millionth time since we’d met. “If I want an adventure, I’ll go hiking,” she said.

“We could go hiking and have sex.”

Isla smacked my leg. “Stop. We need to change the subject. Are we ready for the baby shower? I’m a little worried about timing.”

Felicia and Michael were having some over-the-top glamorous Friday night baby shower and Isla and I were preparing the food. “It should be fine. The delivery is scheduled for five. That gives us two hours.”

“Are you excited to be an uncle?”

“Yes,” I said. “I’m actually really excited. I like kids. I can’t wait to spoil her.” Michael had just told me Felicia was having a girl. They had decided against any sort of gender reveal, so it wasn’t a secret.

“Kennedy seems to like you.”

“Kennedy is amazing. She’s brilliant and a total punk. Her ability to con me is astonishing.”

“How do you know her parents?”

“I used to date her mother. Jasmine was my only really serious relationship. It was over ten years ago.”

“It’s cool that you stayed friends. What happened between you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“She wanted to get married. I wasn’t ready.” I shrugged. “So we broke up and she moved on, found someone who was ready. And I focused on my career.” That was the streamlined version. It wasn’t my place to talk about Jasmine wanting to remain a virgin. That was personal.

“Did you love her?”

“Yes. Very much. But I couldn’t see forever at twenty-three. I just wanted to stay right where we were for awhile.”

“I can see that. That’s really dang young.”

“You’re agreeing with me? Wonders never cease.” I gave her a grin. “What about you? Who’s your one that got away?”

But Isla just shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve had one of those. I’m not sure I’ve ever even been in love. I feel like people just think they’re in love but it’s infatuation. Which there’s nothing wrong with, but I think deep, true love isn’t nearly as common as people think it is.”

It didn’t surprise me. “I guess when you do

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