Who's the Boss? - Erin McCarthy Page 0,36

You’re crushing me.” His weight had been pleasant until he had started discussing us never having sex again while we were kind of still having sex.

“Oh, sorry.” He rolled to the side and propped himself on his arm, looking concerned. “Was I too rough?”

Oh, dear God. Did he know me at all? I was not the woman who would suffer in silence if I didn’t enjoy something.

“Of course not. I would have told you if it was. You’re just talking about us being done when you’re still on top of me. It’s kind of rude.” And maybe slightly hurtful. I didn’t want to have sex with him again either. Well. I did. But I couldn’t. I knew that. But he was acting like I was nothing more than a mild itch he had scratched.

It didn’t feel like a mild itch to me. It felt enormous. Our chemistry felt intense.

He swore. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Sometimes I speak before I think.”

“Sometimes?” I rolled my eyes and sat up. I reached for the T-shirt that had been tossed in the direction of the headboard. Pulling it on over my head made me feel better. I needed clothing between us.

Sean didn’t say anything. He just lay there in my bed, on top of my comforter, all naked nonchalance. I hadn’t even gotten a chance to touch all of that masculine hardness and now it was over. The silence drew out too long. It felt awkward, so I stood up and went to the bathroom. When I came back out, I released Scott from the kitchen and sat down on the edge of the bed so I could pull on my joggers, which was what I should have done in the first place instead of having sex with Sean.

He’d thought we were awkward at work all week? Please. This was awkward.

He had sat up and pulled his jeans back on. He was scratching his beard and still saying nothing. I didn’t want to regret our impulsiveness but at the same time I just wanted him to say something or go home.

Finally, exasperated, I asked him, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Because I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing and piss you off. Silence seems the safest course of action.”

He had a good point. I rolled my eyes. “You’ve already pissed me off. How much worse could it get?”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure I could make it a lot worse without even really trying.”

That amused me. I fought the urge to smile. “Maybe you should go home. We can pretend this never happened.” I couldn’t be angry with him. I’d jumped right in with both feet. “I promise I won’t wear tight jeans to work anymore.”

Sean sighed, a deep heavy sigh. “Sure. That sounds like a plan.”

And that was that. Apparently we were just going to leave it there without any further conversation. Which felt dangerous, but at the same time, what else was there to say? We knew the score. We couldn’t be involved with each other, given our careers.

Sean pulled his shirt off the floor and stuck his arms through the sleeves. I was sad to see that chest disappear but it was for the best.

“Well. Thanks for the orgasms,” I said, when he shoved his feet into his shoes and stood up.

He gave me a smile and a head-shake. “Only you, Isla. Only you. But likewise.”

“What? I was trying to be polite.” I wasn’t really sure what else to say and frankly, now that we were both back in clothes, I had a burning need to have him get the hell out of my apartment.

The tension between us was uncomfortable. Now we had both sexual tension and awkwardness.

I needed to be on solid ground again. Bad enough that my comforter was going to smell like him and that I was going to be forced to lie in bed remembering the feel of him inside me. I couldn't manage small talk for the next twenty minutes.

“I appreciate the politeness.” Sean moved to the door, giving Scott a wide berth. My cat had strolled out of the kitchen like he’d never been trapped in there, but had chosen to be in there behind a closed door.

Now he was sitting on his haunches eyeing Sean like he was debating the best moment to attack.

“See you tomorrow,” Sean said.

“Yep. Thanks for bringing my phone.”

He nodded. For a second he just stood in front of my door but then he leaned forward and kissed me. It was unexpected, and

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