The Whitefire Crossing - By Courtney Schafer Page 0,172

my chest.

“I’d hoped the Council might be persuaded to merely fine you for your crimes, given your efforts to stop Simon Levanian...but I’m sorry to report the Council feels a fine isn’t enough. In addition to confiscating your accounts at Haroman, Baltai, and Serover houses in Kost, they’ve sentenced you to ten years’ forced labor in the Cheltman mines.”

“What?” Kiran and Cara spoke in shocked chorus. I stood frozen, a black pit yawning within. Haroman, Baltai, and Serover were the houses I’d split my pay between when I moved it out of Bentgate. I’d been trying to hide the coin and gems from Pello, not the gods-damned Council, and I’d assumed Cara would take everything straight back to Ninavel.

Khalmet’s hand, better if they’d killed me. Even if I escaped the mines, I’d never earn back that coin before Melly changed. To fail now, after I’d thought Melly’s safety assured at last...despair threatened to swallow me.

“You can’t do this!” Kiran darted an agonized glance at me. “Dev risked everything to stop Simon—and this is how you repay him for it?”

Cara’s face was near as pale as Kiran’s, her fists clenched like she meant to throw herself at Martennan, hell with his magic. She knew as well as I what this meant for Melly. I shifted, pressed her wrist. Violence did no good against mages, but during my sleepless night I’d thought up one more token to play. I locked eyes with Martennan.

“What if I were to help you stop the smuggling trade? You might’ve arrested Gerran already, but that won’t stop his partner in Ninavel. But I know how Bren thinks, and I’ll bet you every kenet the Council took that I can mark his couriers far better than any of your mages.” I’d never be safe again in Ninavel once Bren found out I’d betrayed him so thoroughly, but I’d gain time to find another solution for Melly.

Martennan shook his head, regretfully. “I suggested as much to the Council, but they prefer to deal with the problem in their own way. Yet...” He turned to Kiran. “Kiran, several councilors told me if you showed us wholehearted assistance by deciphering Simon Levanian’s spellwork before the turn of the year—the Council might agree to hear a plea on Dev’s behalf.”

I barked out a sharp, bitter laugh. Oh, I should’ve seen this coming, after Kiran had tied us so neatly together. “So, I’m both bait and hostage. Congratulate the Council for me, Martennan—that’s a move worthy of a Ninavel ganglord.”

The gentle sympathy on Martennan’s face made me wish I still had my boneshatter charm. “The Council must be cautious when it comes to Alathia’s safety,” he said. “But I truly believe your situation can change, once immediate fears fade.”

Kiran said, “I’d have given the Council my best effort anyway, out of gratitude for a life free from Ruslan. If there’s anything else I might do to help Dev, you have but to ask.”

I rounded on him. “Khalmet’s bloodsoaked hand! Can’t you see the Council won’t ever let me go, so long as you roll over like that? They’ll only make you empty promises, and ask for more, and more—”

“I give you my word as Watch captain that the Council keeps its promises,” Martennan’s casual air had disappeared, his shoulders squared and his voice full of authority. “When the time comes to approach the Council, Kiran, I’ll help you seek Dev’s release.”

Gratitude brightened Kiran’s eyes. I ground my teeth. I didn’t buy Martennan’s helpful act, not for an instant. He’d probably been the one to suggest the hostage idea to the Council in the first place.

I started to say as much, but Cara jabbed my side. “Leave it,” she hissed in my ear, and faced Martennan. “When does Dev’s sentence begin?”

Martennan sighed. “Now, I’m afraid.” Behind him, the lanky mage drew out a thin gold torc. I tensed. The Council might forbid their citizens from deadly charms, but they didn’t balk at using them on criminals. I’d heard tell of the snapthroat charms worn by men sentenced to forced labor. Once around my throat, the cursed thing would tighten to cut off my breath with a twitch of an overseer’s finger. And given my status as the Council’s leverage against Kiran, I didn’t doubt I’d be watched closer than one of Sechaveh’s famed cobalt diamonds.

Martennan beckoned the mage with the snapthroat charm. “Talmaddis will convey Dev to the mines. Cara, I’ll escort you through the border at a spot of your choosing—it need not Copyright 2016 - 2024