The Whitefire Crossing - By Courtney Schafer Page 0,128

you in Ninavel?”

Remembering my shout at Cara, I opened my mouth to agree, then hesitated. If he and Simon had questioned Kiran, he might know it for a lie. “No,” I said, sullenly. “I took the job for the money. But I don’t mean to lose my trade over it. Cara’ll see I never work as an outrider again, unless I can convince her I had no choice. Thanks a lot for fucking that up, you asshole. Now she’ll ward her windows, and I’ll not get within twenty feet of her.”

“Ah.” He sounded disappointed, though I couldn’t figure why. “But you’ve no need to grovel at her feet. Why work as an outrider, when other aptitudes might earn you so much more?”

“What, you dragged me out here at knifepoint to offer me a gods-damned job?” I sneered.

Pello shrugged. “My employer could use a man of your talents. I assure you, the pay far outstrips the pittance you earn scrabbling around in the mountains.”

Khalmet’s bloodsoaked hand, was he serious? If I pretended to accept his offer, maybe I could get into Simon’s house after all...No. A flash of Pello’s slack gray face, blood leaking from his mouth, stomped that idea flat. Simon would never allow a stranger inside without the same proof of loyalty he’d demanded from Pello.

“Thanks, but I’d rather scrabble in the mountains. The city’s got nothing I want.” I risked a brief glance upward. The fog was thickening fast.

“No?” Pello’s head cocked. “Not even a certain red-haired Tainter in your old handler’s tender care?”

My heart stopped. “How—” I choked off the rest, too late.

Pello’s smile was sharp as his blade. “Ninavel holds no secrets I cannot uncover.”

Oh, gods. My childhood friend Liana was the only soul in Ninavel who knew of my interest in Melly—but that was one person too many. Pello must’ve winnowed out my secret before the convoy even left the city, suspecting he might need the leverage. Suliyya grant that was all he’d done. Shadow men had no scruples.

Pello read my fear. “Oh, I’ve not touched a hair on the child’s pretty head.” Not yet, said the mocking lilt of his voice.

“What do you want?” I spat.

“Serve my employer and the girl is yours, without you owing Red Dal a single kenet,” Pello said. “You need not even wait for her Change.”

“What, just like that?” I scoffed. “Red Dal won’t let a Tainter go so easy.” Mother of maidens, I needed time to think. My head still pounded as if attacked by a pick-axe.

Pello turned his free hand palm-up. “My employer is not only wealthy, but wields great influence in Ninavel. He’d find it simple enough to make Red Dal an offer impossible to refuse.”

True enough that Red Dal wouldn’t refuse a blood mage. Not that I thought Pello’s promises were anything but empty. This had to be a trap.

“Let’s say I take your employer’s offer. What does he ask of me?”

“For now? Dress as a shopkeeper’s courier and come to Gilpanis Terrace in the southwest quarter. Knock on the service door of the house with iceflowers carved on the lintels. Once inside, you’ll learn more.”

Yeah, right. I’d spent long hours staring at those very iceflowers from my cramped drainhole. He meant me to come to Simon’s house—and once inside, Simon would pounce on me and tear the truth of my intentions from my head. Now Pello’s game made sense. Far easier for him to avoid Alathian attention if I entered Simon’s house willingly rather than hauled along at knife-point.

Pello watched me with the keen intensity of a stalking sandcat. “Should you need an extra have an account at Bentgate House, I believe? Check the amount, tomorrow. You’ll find an increase. A little gift from my employer.”

My blood turned to ice. Bentgate was the Alathian banking house where I’d stashed Gerran’s money and gems; and an account that could be accessed could be emptied. Pello’s message was clear. Refuse me, and I’ll remove all chance of saving her.

If Pello thought he could fuck me over same as Jylla, he was dead wrong. I glared at him. “You want me to consider this? Then back the fuck off. My head’s killing me. The only thing I want right now is a pains-ease charm and a drink.”

“Consider, then. Yet after tomorrow’s dawn, I warn you, my offer expires. My employer is a generous man, but an impatient one.” With a flick of Pello’s hand, the nightstar blade disappeared up his sleeve. He backed away and vanished Copyright 2016 - 2024