While You Were Creeping - Poppy Rhys Page 0,9

The frustration built until I marched myself into the bathroom just so I could trigger the toilet sensor.

The first flush didn’t soothe me. I had to do it three more times before I could think straight again.

What is wrong with me?

Why couldn’t I just be normal?

I peered at my reflection while I washed my hands. I looked tired. The circles under my eyes were dark and in need of a thick coat of concealer.

I knew I needed to shower and get ready for school. Maybe I could just... toss the cube on the side of the road somewhere on the way to work. There was a lonely stretch of forest that would be perfect.


Then I wouldn’t have the guilt or bad karma of regifting the convict to someone else, but I also wouldn’t have to worry about him escaping his prison again and murdering me in my sleep.

Okay, that was a little dramatic, but I didn’t know! The guy talked about witches for elves’ sake—who knew his mental state.

There was only room for one crazy person in my home, thank you very much.

Plan hatched, I took some deep breaths, flushed the toilet one more time and then hopped in the shower.

Everything would be back to normal soon...


“No, no, no, no, no!” I pressed my hands to the window of the transport as it drifted to the curb where I planned to yeet the cube.

There were people and worker droids everywhere stringing up lights and decorations!

I hopped out of the transport, flipping my coat collar up against the cold breeze before waving down the nearest human.

“Hello, sir? Sir?”

He turned, his bushy, untrimmed mustache collecting stray snowflakes. “Sorry lady, construction isn’t finished yet if you were—”

“What’s happening here?”

His equally bushy brow lifted. “This will be the location of the upcoming singles winter mixer. Bit cold if ya ask me, but.”

Singles winter mixer?

I’d never heard of this, and the Evergreen Queen committee had their hands in every event this time of year.

“Who’s sponsoring this?”

“The Evergreen Queens.”

Well shit.

I had no idea about this.

“If there’s a problem, speak to Perry.”

Perry. Of course. What was her deal? First Krampus cancelled and she didn’t tell me, now this mixer event...

What else had I missed?

To be fair, I didn’t give a flip about this event. I cared that a convict was taking up room in my satchel and I needed to get rid of him asap.

I took another longing glance at the forest. I couldn’t toss him in there. It was too risky, especially if drunk, horny people would be sneaking off into the woods during that event.

“UGH!” I shouted, startling construction workers nearby.

“You okay lady?” Mustache asked. I was kinda tired of people looking at me like I’d lost my mind. I might start believing it soon.

“Yeah, thanks.”

The rest of the way to school, it felt like the cube was taking up all the air in the transport. I was transporting an entire prison in my bag.

This had to be dangerous, right? I mean, I probably shouldn’t tote a convict around a bunch of teenagers. That seemed like a bad thing.

I climbed the front steps of the school, arriving early enough that no students were there yet.

It’ll be alright. Everything will be just fine...


I shrieked and clutched my bag tighter.

“Are you okay?” George asked, climbing the steps.

Why? Why couldn’t he just die already?

That was mean. I didn’t mean that.

Karma, if you’re listening, I didn’t mean it.

“Yes, you just scared me.” I took a deep breath, heading through the door that he held open. “I can get my own door, but thanks.”

“You never had a problem with me opening your doors before.”

Yeah, well, I didn’t know you were sucking face with Perry behind my back.

“Is there something you needed, Principle Huckle?” If my tone could be any frostier, the floors would’ve turned to ice. I couldn’t help it. I was on edge and I didn’t need George hovering.

“Have you found a Krampus for the parade yet? My offer still stands. I’d be happy to fill in.”

Fuck. No.

If he were a fellow teacher, and not my boss, I’d say so many things. Rude things.

“I’ve got a couple prospects. Gotta go!” I walked as fast as I could without looking suspicious and as soon as I reached my classroom, I shut the door and sagged against it.

It was then that I realized I hadn’t done my morning ritual of creeping on George’s social threads.

“Huh...” I sucked on my bottom lip, analyzing that. If Dr. Molina were here, she’d ask: how

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