While You Were Creeping - Poppy Rhys Page 0,32

as Holly’d called them.

“Give them a whack or two with the branches and a couple oranges. Have fun.”

When I turned back to Holly, her plump red lips were parted and she tossed her hands in the air. “Why’d you do that? You’re letting down the women of Tinsel right now.”

You’re the only woman I don’t want to let down right now.

Did I say that aloud? No.

Did I want to say that aloud? Also no.

“You’re the only one I want to spank tonight.”

I wanted to say that, though.

Holly guffawed. It was a little high pitched with a nervous edge. She gave me some serious side-eye before she stumbled over her words and her cheeks grew a rosy shade of red.

“Funny. Funny guy.” She wagged her finger and shook her head. “Spanking. Funny.”

“Holly, look at me.”

She stalled, her gaze darting around her as if checking to see if I meant another Holly.

I grasped her chin and pulled her attention to me.


“Dance with me.”

“Ha!” she burst, frosted breath puffing in front of her face. Incredulity turned to sudden head shaking and nervous denial. “No. No I don’t know how to dance. Kye, stop!”

She pulled on my hand as I dragged her farther into the crowd, finding a good spot near the middle.

“I’m not being modest,” she whisper-hissed, her nails digging into my arm.

I suppressed my growl. Those nails would feel better digging into my sides as she pulled me deeper between her legs.

Not what I should be envisioning right now.

“It’s fine, I’ve got hooves. You can step on them all you want.”

“While I look like an idiot, you mean.”

My hand slid against hers, dwarfing it. I looped my arm around her, holding her close.

“This-this isn’t even a slow song,” she squeaked. “People are starting to stare!”

“It’s slow enough.” Not really, but that didn’t stop me from holding her tight as I made her move with me. Nothing fancy, just a little swaying to get her used to it.

“Look, you’re dancing.”

She snorted and rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.

Had I mentioned her smile was blinding? It was so rare, it was a pity she didn’t show it off.

Look at me, noticing off-the-wall shit about a berchta. Before memories of the past could bubble up and ruin my mood, I dipped Holly.

An honest bout of laughter spilled out of her and, when I brought her upright again, all that nervous energy had melted from her face.

“There she is,” I murmured. A glimpse of who I thought might be hiding under all those schooled expressions.

The urge to kiss her took over every good sense I had—which wasn’t much at that point.

I went with it. My hand grasping her ponytail as I pressed my mouth to hers, careful of my tusks yet highly aware of how they warmed against her skin.

She went as rigid as an old board in my arms.

Only for a second.

An eternity of a second, but only a second.

When she molded against me, her fingers curling into my chest fur to tug me closer...


This might be a problem.

A real fucking problem.

If my history had taught me anything, it was that berchtas weren’t to be trifled with.

Funny thing about history though?

It had a way of repeating itself.



I brushed my fingertips across my bottom lip, remembering Kye’s kiss from two nights ago while I stood in the quiet great room. The afternoon sun made the snow in the backyard glitter as the weekly Zax snowball fight took place.

Snow forts had been made and a maze of half-walls expertly crafted for ducking behind riddled the clearing between the opposing teams.

I’d opted out, preferring to watch, but not Kye.

Jag, Dirk, and Troy were always a hard team to beat, but Kye could pack a mean snowball we’d learned. And his aim took me by surprise.

Dirk too, if his sputtering was any clue after he took a ball to the face.

I quietly laughed and accepted a mug of cocoa from my sister-in-law, Ivy.

“Was sweet of Kye to pick the boys for his team,” she said, smiling as Kye grabbed one of the younglings around the middle and hoofed it down the field before diving behind a snow wall. “Wasn’t sure it was safe. You know how rough the three stooges can be.”

“Mhm,” I hummed. Jag, Dirk, and Troy meant well, but sometimes they forgot their own strength.

“By the way,” she sing-songed. “The parade made League One’s front page.”

“WHAT?!” I shouted. “Shut up!”

Ivy gleamed, nodding. “Made the list of Top 5 Quirky Events. The Lodge has been inundated with

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